Random Pictures from the May 2009 James Dean Fan Gathering
Updated June 13, 2009 URL is www.tentativetimes.net/tree09/xtratree.html
The May, 2009 James Dean Fan Get-together,
Random Pictures
Cards and e-mail came from around the world for the anniversary.
Anniversary flowers from Margaret Stepp
Sue Pelletier’s planter has Dave and Lenny’s names on it.
Bert Brotherton got this tie from Silvia Bongiovanni, President and co-founder of We Remember Dean International. Everyone was green with envy and covetous-ness.
Tell me who wore this shoe and from what place it came and you will win! Win what? I have no idea. Bragging rights?
This rainbow helped launch the weekend events, as seen from Stephen Payne’s Cafe near Gas City. (Faint detail enhanced with my PaintShopPro graphics program)Now choose the next page to visit:
Opening page At Payne’s Custard Friday At the Jas. Dean Gallery Planting Jesse’s Tree At the BanquetOR
page two of banquetExtra Photos This is a link back to my whole James Dean site
Please note: Sandra Weinhardt’s EMAIL ADDRESS secop@parlorcity.com
Please check your address books! or….send captions for the photos suitable for a family friendly website….. or send me names to attach to the pictures….