Visiting unique New Harmony, Indiana

Visiting unique New Harmony, Indiana

small city logoSmall-town Nostalgia        Updated 26 March 2001      URL is /harmony/harmony4.html

Gracious Greenery in New Harmony

(I just poured my heart into this site about my first trip to New Harmony. I am not an official representative of anything. Sandra Weinhardt,
Never have we seen the lush gardens we found in New Harmony. This area has not only an ideal climate but dedicated gardeners too. You just don’t see these results without a lot of hard work. I will put my pictures up, but I don’t know the names of things.

garden    The shocker about this garden is that it is not unique in New Harmony. One can only gaze in wonder.

golden raintree    I believe this magnificent Golden Raintree was brought to New Harmony by the Owen group.

huge grapevine
Our guide said this single grape vine was planted by the original settlers too.

brick house
Whew, and Jack only planted that bean last night!
viburnum?There is a lot of this in town, whatever it is. Maybe it’s a viburnum??

Saint Fiacre    One garden had this statue of Saint Fiacre, whom I had not heard of.
herb garden too    Oh, that we could grow such a lush herb garden at the Limberlost State Historic Site too! This is a replica of what would have been grown here when the town was first settled.

cobra    I call this the cobra plant, whatever it is. I have a tiny one, so seeing these giants rocked me. There was an 18 inch one for sale at a garden center up here in Fort Wayne for $15.00, a lot of bang for your buck if you could get it to thrive like the New Harmony plants.

lavender    Have you ever seen such lavender? In my yard it looks like a sick weed. Here, it’s like the tomato that ate Pittsburgh. Wow.

pink lilieswhite tiger    Lilies are everywhere in New Harmony. All kinds and colors, with a great scent, unless that was from something else. One groundcover had a terrible scent, and grew in abundance. I guessed it was an herb that kept the mosquitoes away.

purple coneflowersnowball bush    My guess is that these are purple coneflowers and a snowball bush (hydrangea.) Just guessing. But the point is that there are drifts and billows of these flowers all over New Harmony. The hours devoted to gardening here are phenominal. Come to New Harmony any time, but be sure to come again when everything is in bloom. Then again, there is a festive Christmas season for your touring pleasure. One year we went to the Henry Ford Museum at Christmas and rode a sleigh in the snow. My goal now is to see Christmas in New Harmony. And if you want great meals, the restaurants that are part of the restoration are superb. Downtown has plenty to eat and look at too.

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  1. Miscellaneous New Harmony web links are on page 1, and Corey too.
  2. Buildings
  3. Workingman’s Institute
  4. Nature loves New Harmony (you are here)

You may also enjoy my site for the Limberlost State Historic Site in Geneva, Indiana, an early home of Gene Stratton-Porter
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The cover of Our Tentative Times which includes Nostalgia magazine.

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I found a history of the Golden Raintree cached at Google, at

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