James Dean-themed Jeopardy contest, 2002

James Dean-themed Jeopardy contest, 2002

logo     Updated August 16, 2002        URL is /02fanwk/jepo.html

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Lenny’s Dean-Themed Jeopardy Game

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R.J. Mott’s new tee shirt… Where can we get one?
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jepo044.jpg (12723 bytes)   The Schulte family provided this buzzer system. The first year, each contestant had to ring a bell or some other noise thing, and the crowd felt it was unfair.  So Schultes came to the rescue!  If you get on the panel next year, remember you have to reset the light after each question.  And one more hint:  you can lose a heap of money when you guess.  If you don’t know, don’t ring….. maybe!

James Dean Fan’s Weekend, Part Two
by Mark Kinnaman

Saturday was a blur of excitement as the favorite activity of the weekend, Lenny’s James Dean Jeopardy Game  kicked off at 12:00 noon. Three-time winner Mark Kinnaman opted not to participate this year and helped Lenny with this year’s questions. He made up the entire 25 question written test.

Everyone had 3 minutes to complete the written test. The top scorers were Jesse Dillenger from Michigan, Curt Whirl, formerly of Marion Indiana, now from Orlando, Florida, and Pam Crawford of Little Rock, Arkansas. After a very fun-filled hour with close scores, Curt came out victorious! Congrats to the new champ!  The prizes are gift certificates from David Loehr for the James Dean Memorial Gallery giftshop.

After the contest,  most came back to the James Dean Gallery for more visiting; some scattered to the cemetery, or the local “watering holes”.  About 4:30 pm, all was quiet as everyone disappeared to change into their “Sunday best” for the formal banquet at 6:00.  [Text  by Mark Kinnaman]

Click this link for the banquet report and photos

More Links

Click this link for the 2002 fan weekend welcome page
Click this link for the banquet report and photos
Click this link for the Friday night dinner-dance
Click this link for the huge Deaners e-zine index  with links to the last four fan weekends’ websites.

Mark Kinnaman’s art website
David Loehr’s James Dean Memorial Gallery website

Please, please bookmark this page!  

This page made by Sandra Weinhardt. Send all additions and corrections to me at [email protected]
and be **sure** to include which **exact** page you refer to. I won’t know otherwise.
The contents of this page (but not the links to outside resources of course) are the property of Sandra Weinhardt, all rights reserved.
James Dean Remembered fan club magazine can use any pictures they want.