James Dean Remembered application
Logo by Jeff Vernon
Updated June 14, 2008 URL is www.tentativetimes.net/jdr/fanform.htmlJames Dean Remembered International Fan Club application
Here is a fan club membership form you can fill out and mail in with your check, to join the fan club James Dean Remembered.Name_________________________________________________________
Mailing Address_________________________________________________
City, State and Zip_______________________________________________
Province and/or Country?_______________________________________________________
Email Address if any ___________________________________________
Telephone (optional, and use area code)
Male [ ] or Female [ ] or preferred title [ ]
Were you a member of our predecessor organization, WRDI,We Remember Dean International?
[yes] [no]
If so, how long were you a member____________________DUES
Send $30.00 U.S. ( 35.00 U.S. if you are overseas)
in a check or money order made out to James Dean Remembered
Mail it to
James Dean Rememberedc/o PAM CRAWFORD
NEWER EMAIL ADDRESS: But be sure to contact President Pamela Crawford by email at
with your questions. She is in charge of the content for this club site, but I, Sandra, am responsible for having the wrong email address for Pam. I HAD IT WRONG… for years…. Now it’s right.To get back to the James Dean Remembered welcome page, click on this address: /jdr/index.html
or for Deaners on-line, click on http://www.deaners.net/Why Join JDR?
For your membership, you should receive THREE awesome newsletters per year, allowing for disasters and emergencies, plus monthly email updates about upcoming events and TV shows, etc. You are also encouraged to put your classified ad in the newsletter, if it would be of interest to other Deaners. You can write for the newsletter if you have a good topic, and sometimes there are favors included with the mailing. Kip Brown’s column links the rest of the country to the West Coast News, of which there is a lot! Mark Kinnaman is answering frequently asked questions, (even if they have only been asked once.) Beloved member Phil Zeigler keeps us updated about Fairmount. David Loehr checks in. Our magazine is definitely one of the best in this country, and it is in COLOR!
Please report errors on this page to Sandra Weinhardt, email secop@parlorcity.com