2006 James Dean Trivia contest, Fan Appreciation Weekend
Updated August 6, 2006 URL is www.tentativetimes.net/dean/06fanwk/index.htmlDavid Loehr’s 2006 James Dean
Fan Appreciation WeekendThe Jeopardy-style contest panelists. Linda Levine, South Bend, Indiana, on the left, was the first person to score a perfect 20 on the preliminary test that finds the three panelists. That’s the first time anyone made a perfect score in all these nine years! Stan in the middle is from Indiana, Pennsylvania. Debbie Collinson Boles on the right lives in England.
Do you know this fan who comes over from England? She brought her son and got married a week before the contest, and she continued to take chances (in addition to flying over and getting married) when she blew away the competition by answering the final James Dean jeopardy contest question. She was trailing but bet all she had, and that won the prize, a gift certificate for Rebel Rebel retro gift shop. They are all three going back to England to live. They would never have found each other had it not been for James Dean.
Author, writer, screenwriter Pamela DesBarres from California played Vanna White on the second round of Jeopardy.
On the first round, Roger Tappan uncovered the answers that had to be answered with a question.
Two beautiful sisters from near Milan, Italy enjoyed the whole weekend and survived the heat.
I believe the sister on the right is named Sabina. They’ll email me at secop@onlyinternet.net
I’m sure.
Mary Emmerick from Chicago and Shayne Skinner, Fairmount IN, son of Jayne Skinner who was a classmate of Jimmy’s. Teresita Gonzalez in bright cheerful orange was the fashion winner of the weekend, (a title entirely created in my own tiny mind.)
Steve Vodde of Illinois, Marcus D. Winslow of Fairmount (Jimmy’s cousin, raised with him,) and Phil Zeigler, Marcus’s right hand man ‘though sitting on his left in this photo.
Phil in white shirt, Carole and Joseph Schulte from Michigan on the right. Joe is wearing a Lenny shirt.
Lenny, Sue Mohamed, Linda Levine, Stan, Debbie and her son Benjamin. Adam, Colette’s son is in front. Behind Sue are Pamela Crawford, President of James Dean Remembered fan club and behind the camera, Bill Rogers of Janesville, Wisconsin. Bill is making a documentary of our Dean events. We should be able to order a copy from him in perhaps one year.Linda Levine, South Bend, IN, not only takes great pictures but she always shares with us. Kind, selfless and loyal to the fan club, Linda is a treasure.
Debbie’s son, Benjamin, Debbie and her new husband Freddie Boles. Thanks to Lenny for all the help on remembering names!
Here’s our M.C., Lenny, with Mark Kinnaman’s newly purchased 1950 Chevy! All original, except maybe the tires.
Meanwhile, back at the ranch, or rather at Rebel Rebel, A bevy or Grand Rapids kittens drove in from the Interstate, lured by a billboard. They bought the nekkid baby lamp, and probably more, from Lenny at Rebel Rebel. They were a lot of fun and we were sorry they had to leave before the banquet.The banquet pictures are on my steakhouse page
Lenny’s Rebel Rebel Retro giftshop
Pamela DesBarres’ home page
James Dean Remembered fan club
There is a James Dean website from CMGNEW EMAIL ADDRESS for Sandra is secop@parlorcity.com
Please change your address books!