Our Tentative Times latest updates
Updated 28 May 2005 URL is http://our.tentativetimes.net/updates.html
What’s New in Our Tentative Times?
. June 3-5, 2005. A fabulous gathering at the Marion, Indiana airport. Read the official web site for this at http://www.jamesdeanfest.com/index.
- The 2004 James Dean Festival in Fairmount
- Memorial for Louise Donk, January 2005.
The new building for David Loehr’s James Dean Memorial Gallery. Gallery Opened May 15, 2004 at exit #59 on I-69, the Gas City exit, four miles north of the exit for Fairmount.- Lenny’s Rebel Rebel shop has taken over the entire former Gallery in Fairmount, Indiana.
- The Gene Stratton-Porter Limberlost cabin in Geneva Indiana is closed for the winter but groups can still schedule a visit ahead of time.
- Basically, I have not added to the music magazine, Tell-Mama, in a long time. I had new pages for the performers at the 2003 Ribfest, but lost that server. I may be able to reconstruct them on my own server.
But hark, The 12th annual Rockabilly Rebel Weekend happened without me. See David Loehr’s website at http://www.jamesdeangallery.com/Deaners e-zine
Latest news is about
- Memorial for fan Louise Donk, January 2005.
- The 2004 James Dean Festival in Fairmount
- See the 2004 Fan Appreciation weekend pages
- The new building for David Loehr’s James Dean Memorial Gallery. Gallery Opened May 15, 2004 at exit #59 on I-69, the Gas City exit, four miles north of the exit for Fairmount.
Lenny’s Rebel Rebel shop took over the entire former Gallery in Fairmount, Indiana.
James Dean Remembered International is the fan club continuing the dissolved We Remember Dean International fan club of Silvia Bongiovanni, with her blessing. (She retired.) It is run by Pamela Crawford of Arkansas and Sue Mohammed of Illinois
- A link I forgot to add is now available: Cleve Porter has shared his photographic record of the 1995 Dedication of the James Dean Park on Main Street in Fairmount.
- Our favourite British artist, Neil Douglas, has painted Fairmount scenes since his visit here in September 1999.
- Big news from Bob Hinkle in Texas, and I am searching for his new email address.
- Here’s a link to the challenging index page for Deaners
- RIBFEST 2003 was on-line but I lost my server.
- Tell-Mama is proud to feature the informative, worthwhile, outspoken columns of music publicist Kenny Love. There are many more columns waiting to be coded and put on-line, but I have no time, so I will link you to his site. Pay attention to Kenny and you’ll be tougher in this rough music business. He walks the walk.
Here’s a link to the index page for Tell-Mama
Back to the update index
The big Gene Stratton-Porter news
- Site is closed until Spring 2005 but groups can arrange a tour by calling ahead, for 8 or more people, or special circumstances such as coming from abroad.
Opine is suffering from the editor’s lack of time.Friends of the Third World has moved to its own domain!! I’ve had to turn over the reins though. I couldn’t keep it up to date.
Opine offers the funeral eulogy for Charles Gorgol, given by his niece Linda.
The Editor is Slowing Down
Now we have two darling granddaughters, and I get less work done than ever 😉
As you probably know, Our Tentative Times and all the content and graphics are pretty much the work of one person. I’m totally unable to update all these pages in a timely manner. This makes me really crabby with myself and those around me. The baby said I need to get get control of my life.
Most magazines the size of Tell-Mama or Deaners have a staff with writers, an editor, graphics whizzes, ad sales, etc. “I ain’t got nobody,” and nobody has the time to do what I do. I also have failed completely as President, Secretary and Treasurer (all at once) of the Humane Society, and wimped out on my political and civic activities. My husband and I have no social life. Our house (inside) looks like a tornado hit it. Nobody can stand to live like this forever.
Read all the good stuff in my 5 magazines. I have had to cancel out on my non-fiction book just to get some of the other things done. It was a sad decision but necessary. I was happy to do the James Dean festival in depth every year, and I plan to continue that. I just can’t get much webwork done. The Halloween weekend’s Magna cum Murder mystery conference has its own site now.
But there is life outside the web, I’ve heard. I seem to remember it. I’m still here, but I’m way slower.Hugs from Sandra Weinhardt
Here’s a link to the the masthead of Our Tentative Times cyberzine.
You can read the historic, outdated editor’s logMusic and Deaner logo gifs are by Mark K. Kinnaman, artist to the fans.