James Dean fans at David Loehr’s Gallery June 2005, page 2
Updated August 11, 2005 URL is www.tentativetimes.net/junefest/galry2.html page two
Happy Smiling Fan Faces, DeanFest, June 2005
Pictures taken by Sandra Weinhardt, at David Loehr’s James Dean Gallery and Museum, exit 59 from I-69, Gas City, Indiana.
A junior James Dean lookalike (see you in September) and our own Jessie Dillinger who knows probably as much as any living soul about James Dean. She would say she doesn’t! Jessie lives in Fairmount and works at the James Dean Gallery at Gas City.We welcomed this new fan to the club. Hope they come back often. They live in Michigan or Indiana. Note the pink mesh cap with Jimmy and the 50th anniversary logo on it. And next year, 2006, we’ll be celebrating the 75th birthday of James Dean, all year long!!
Bill Weinhardt mans the JDR Fan Club table, with home-made cookies from club President Pamela Crawford. Our club has arguably the world’s best fan magazine put out by amateurs. However, the color ink costs so much that we use all our dues for the DeanZine. Join the James Dean Remembered fan club right now! Since we have joined forces with CMG, there is available an optional chat section. A link to that will be coming on-line soon.
Bill said he gave out endless maps to folks trying to find the Marion Airport for DeanFest. We consoled people who had bought $100.00 tickets to the cocktail parties at the Airport, after the Saturday and Sunday cocktail parties were cancelled. Anyone know if refunds were given out?
Come to Fairmount this September. The only charge I know of is the car owner’s fees to enter a car in the car show. (For car show information, call 317.356.9293
Link to pictures of David Loehr’s James Dean Gallery and Museum:
www.tentativetimes.net/dean/gallery/Link to the Fan Club: James Dean Remembered fan club, www.tentativetimes.net/jdr/
Webmistress, writer, photographer and editor: Sandra Weinhardt, editor@tentativetimes.net, creator of http://www.deaners.net/ and www.tentativetimes.net
will go on as usual. Be there. It’s free.