James Dean Event in 2003 in South Bend, Indiana

James Dean Event in 2003 in South Bend, Indiana

logo     Updated March 19, 2003          URL is /jdr/sobend.html

James Dean Event at
South Bend, Indiana June 7, 2003

DATE:  Saturday, June 7, 2003
TIME:    8:30 – 2:30 E.S.T.
PLACE:  South Bend, Indiana, corner of St. Joseph and Wayne streets,
(a six-level parking garage filled with vendors for the day)
across the street from the Century Center parking lot,
where you may park for a few dollars.
This location is 90 miles from Chicago, a good day trip for our Michiana and Illinois bargain-hunting friends.

Linda Levine, fan extraordinaire from South Bend, Indiana has set up a booth for the World’s Largest Garage Sale, South Bend, Indiana, June     2003.
Mark Kinnamanof Fairmount and Sue Pelletier Mohammed from Illinois will be at the booth too.

At the booth we will have

ballpur.gif (1240 bytes)James Dean Remembered Fan Club information

ballpur.gif (1240 bytes)Save Fairmount High School information

ballpur.gif (1240 bytes)Dean-themed clothing and jewelry, etc.

ballpur.gif (1240 bytes)Information on the new highway marker in Cholame, CA

ballpur.gif (1240 bytes)Merchandise and info from David Loehr’s James Dean Memorial Gallery

ballpur.gif (1240 bytes)Coupons for the Alley Oop 50s diner (Scottsdale Mall, we’ll have maps)  featuring the James Dean Sandwich

ballpur.gif (1240 bytes)News about the huge James Dean car show each September in Fairmount

When Linda went to this garage sale in 2002, she wore a James Dean tee shirt. So many people stopped her with questions about James Dean!  She was inspired to reach out to broaden and deepen Jimmy’s fan base.  This booth will take countless hours of labor and hold the hopes and dreams of your favorite Dean projects.  Please come!

sblink.jpg (5076 bytes)Major James Dean event in South Bend, 6-7-03
Use this link wherever you need to, web creators.  Use www.tentativetimes.net/jdr/ as the URL

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We will be in here, June 7, 2003!

Here’s the link back to the   James Dean Remembered Fan Club website

Here’s the link back to the www.deaners.net James Dean main index

Write to [email protected] Sometimes I can answer my email. If not, write again please.

Visit Mark Kinnaman on-line at www.parlorcity.com/mark/  

Visit the James Dean Memorial Gallery at  www.jamesdeangallery.com

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Eat at Alley Oops!   Scottsdale Mall.   Get a coupon  at the garage sale.

Page made by Sandra Weinhardt, [email protected]