Drummer’s Art, Fifth Dimension Concert, June 3, 2005 DeanFest

Drummer’s Art, Fifth Dimension Concert, June 3, 2005 DeanFest

logo  Updated 24 June 2005   URL is www.tentativetimes.net/junefest/drumart.html

Drumming at The Fifth Dimension Concert
at Deanfest 6-3-2005
Here are some PaintShopPro art effects
applied to the same photo of the drummer at this concert.

image  image   image  image  image   image    image  image    image


  At the three-day weekender in Marion, Indiana in June 2005 to mark the 50th anniversary of the death of James Dean, I was lucky enough to be able to photograph the rousing 5th Dimension performance.  I’ve never seen a better group!  Keep track of their schedule, so you can see them in person soon!

Link back to the Fifth Dimension 6-3-2005 concert page. Link back to the index for the June DeanFest at Marion, Indiana.

Some other sites for The Fifth Dimension are

1.  Lyrics on http://www.lyricsandsongs.com/lyrics/5TH_DIMENSION.html

2.  http://www.bluebeat.com/artists/17905

3.  A biography is on this commercial site: http://www.tunescompany.com/music/record_album_collectables_coasters_artist_set/Rhythm_&_Blues/5th_Dimension.asp

4.  A fine tunefan.com (Jim)  page at http://www.tunefan.com/5thdimension.htm

5. To see the booking information for The Fifth Dimension, please click on http://www.delafont.com/music_acts/5th-dimension.htm



Link to pictures of David Loehr’s James Dean Gallery and Museum:

Link to the Fan Club:  James Dean Remembered fan club, www.tentativetimes.net/jdr/


Webmistress, writer, photographer and editor: Sandra Weinhardt, editor@tentativetimes.net , creator of http://www.deaners.net/  and www.tentativetimes.net