2004 James Dean Junior Lookalike Contest, Fairmount

2004 James Dean Junior Lookalike Contest, Fairmount

logo     Updated September 29, 2004
     URL is www.tentativetimes.net/04fest/littles.html

James Dean Festival Junior Lookalike Contest
 (Fairmount Museum Days)
September 25, 2004
 Fairmount, Indiana

Eight contestants entered the 2004 Junior Lookalike Contest. Here they are.
  Adam Brown, #137,  is the oldest.  He’s 11, plans to become a baseball player and came in 6th in the nation in the Elks Basketball Free Throw Contest!!!  He lives in Eaton, Indiana.

  (Not a real cigarette.)

Youngest entrant, #150, Seth Kroft of Marion, Indiana.  He’s 2 and he loves Blues Clues.

    #133 is 7 year-0ld Jeff Childray of Marion, Indiana.  He’s a fan of Scooby Doo and intends to become a movie star like James Dean.

Number #135 is Max Moser, age 7, from Columbus, Indiana.  He plans to become an actor. 

Somehow I don’t have a photo of  A.J. Patterson, #134, of Kankakee, Illinois.  He’s 8 and  plans to be a race car driver….. maybe he walked so fast that I couldn’t get a photo of him.  Please write me with the facts and send A.J.’s photo to :  editor@tentativetimes.net 

Ricki Pelletier, #136, age 8 from Kankakee, Illinois.  She’s the sister of Trai Pelletier, last year’s winner, and the sister of #139, Sadie Pelletier, age 3.  The whole family plans to be actors like James Dean.

Here’s Sadie!  Volunteer Eric Draper kept the pace steady by cuing each child to go on stage.  Is that #134 behind Sadie?

And in the Eric Draper Lookalike contest, one entry!

  Strike the Dean pose!

Champion Daryen Carothers, age 5, has entered for four years.  Fourth time’s a charm for Daryen!  He was appreciative for the audience support.  In this contest, the winner was chosen by applause. 

Trai Pelletier, two-time winner of the Junior contest learns that he is to present the trophy this year.  The new Lookalike contest rule is that if you have won twice, you can’t enter again.  That’s why fewer entrants show up on these pages this year. Trai is with The Bopper, Fred Stevenson of Fairmount, our announcer and DJ for the stage events.  He keeps those wagons rollin’ along.

  Once you win, you have the Champion title forever.

Click here to go to the index for the 2004 James Dean Festival pages
or go on to the 2004 adult lookalike contest

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These pages are made by Sandra Weinhardt. Email me at editor@tentativetimes.net
Be sure to give me the URL (page address) you refer to because otherwise I can’t find anything.
All errors are my own; I take pride in making fewer and fewer each year. Be gentle.