Winchester Gun Show in Bluffton Indiana
Updated22 June 1998. URL is
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This is a companion page to the Winchester Gun Show section, the display of Dale Krinn’s weapons and memorabilia.
Send jokes for this page to Sandra Weinhardt
This is the only gun joke so far, and it is more of a news item, from< A HREF="">Aiken Drum’s daily joke report.
Funny Historical Accounts
Another wartime incident caused Danny Simpson of Ottawa, Canada, much grief. In 1990 he was given six years imprisonment for robbing a bank of $6000 using an elderly Colt .45 pistol. He was arrested and the gun was impounded by the police, where it was recognised as an extrenely rare collectors’ item, worth between $12,000 and $100,000. It was made under licence by the Ross Rifle Company in Quebec City during WW1, one of only 100 Colt .45’s ever made there. Simpson could have walked into any gun shop and sold the pistol for at least twice the haul from his raid without breaking the law.LINKS OUT
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This page made by Sandra Weinhardt. Any and all errors are mine. Please report them to me at
27 May 1998