Rocky Horror Picture Show Returns

      Updated 10 November 1999 URL is
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The Rocky Horror Picture Show

At Last!

Wonderful News

Today, October 23 1999, I found a listing for the remodeled Huntington movie theatre, 528 North Jefferson, downtown. (Not part of Huntington’s 7 screen movie complex.) They showed the Rocky Horror Picture Show at 11:30 p.m. on Thursday, Friday and Saturday this week! I don’t know if they plan to continue this as a tradition, or if it’s only for Halloween, or what. Please find out and let me know! The phone number there is 219-356-7918, but it might be just a recording. This would be the best entertainment news of the year, if RHPS will be a permanent fixture there. The ad noted "audience participation packets available at the concession stand for a nominal fee."

So just in case our hopes are raised in vain, read my old plea, below, for someone to make this movie available for us.

There is another place we can see this movie, open to all ages, but it’s in Indy and shows only twice a month. Check it out on page 2 of this RHPS news.

Here’s the great picture that was our cover photo for six weeks this summer! Another fan who could not get in to see Rocky. She can send me her name, if she wants me to post it here, ’cause I don’t have it.

Liz, Kyle and Lisa, from Fort Wayne.     For the first time in ten years, The Rocky Horror Picture Show was shown in Fort Wayne, Indiana. Showtime was 12:30 a.m. on Sunday, July 19, 1998. Response was overwhelming, with the show sold out around 9:00 p.m. This was an event at Three Rivers Festival, sponsored by the Fort Wayne Music Society.

    Thanks to our cover model here, who kept us cheered up as we begged for tickets. Otto had to stand out in the street and try to stop all the cars and people to get a ticket. Here was the entertainment event of the decade, and it was sold out. Doesn’t this tell the world that this movie is a sure-fire, can’t miss fund-raiser for any organization? All they have to do is get the word out. That, and have enough showings that we won’t have to panic and beg for tickets.

If you can’t rent a theatre, rent a blank wall and a parking lot. We’ll watch it on a wall, as long as the sound is plenty loud. We can act it out anywhere we have the room. Some of us need this movie like we need air and water. Warehouse, whatever. Just make sure everyone knows, for people came to this from as far as Gary and from all over Ohio. It would be cheaper to produce than a rave, right?

    But on with the show. Here are some of the fans, both those who got in and those who had no tickets and had to go home. This is practically a social tragedy. They say they don’t want kids getting into trouble, then they force them into the streets by selling out the most important party of the year. Bah, humbug.

Caption Contest

Caption submitted by Ken Burns, who is in this photo: "Those who didn’t get in to see the best movie in the world."
Play around with captions for this photo. Make up your own and send it in. I’ll post the ones I don’t lose.

This is the group that came up with the tickets for me and the other three people I was hanging out with. Especial heartfelt thanks to them, for giving up their seats because some of them couldn’t get tickets.

We packed the lobby and poured into the theatre, but people filled up the back rows first, and Otto and friends got to sit way in the front, the best seats in the house. There wasn’t a real stage director taking charge, so most of the scenes didn’t get acted out in front of the stage, but every inch of standing space was filled for the Time Warp, again!

Costumes make it more fun. Here are Frankie in front, Columbia in the gray top hat and cutaway tux, Columbia in p.j.s and Mickey Mouse ears, Magenta in her maid costume with the feather duster, and a Transylvanian in a party hat. Some friendly souls ran up and down the aisle passing out props. Party hats, noisemakers, rice, toast and lots of rolls of toilet paper. Most of us had remembered to bring newspapers and lighters, but no water guns were allowed, or frankfurters. That’s just as well, because we threw more rice than at all of Elizabeth Taylor’s weddings combined. It was like walking on ball bearings.

How about going to
page two of the Rocky crowd photos


Links to Pages of People Having Fun

Page two of the RHPS crowd photos
Sandra Weinhardt’s homage to The Rocky Horror Picture Show on the Nightwalk page.

There is actually a place we can see this movie, but it is in Indy and shows only twice a month. Check out the all-ages RHPS at Hollywood Filmworks
Most Excellent Links to Rocky Horror Picture Show by Paul Rademacher
Tell-Mama’s Rockabilly/Roots Music Pages
Rockabilly Rebel Weekend #6
Tell-Mama’s Frog Island Page Index page
Rockabilly Rebel Weekend #5
1996 Rockabilly Rebel Weekend #4
Bill Smoker’s Awesome Review of the 1998 – Viva Las Vegas weekender
The Aitoo 98 Weekender reviewed by Bill Smoker.
You can go to the index of Our Tentative Times at any time.

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Technical Details

The opinions expressed by the writers in Our Tentative Times do not represent the opinions of the man with the pickup truck and the devil’s eyes, Magenta’s grandparents, nor the sponsors, advertisers, The Red Ball Jets, our publisher, Charles Atlas, Frank’s dress designer, Meatloaf’s barber, Jason Shields, tuna fishermen, Rocky’s navel, Three Blue Teardrops, Caroline and the Cowtown Playboys, any orthomolecular transportation device or any governmental, patriotic, fraternal, educational or recreational organization. They are just the writers’ opinions, although Dr. Scott does slip into my dreams and praise Our Tentative Times. He’s such a yes man.

Thank you for finding Otto! You are Transylvanian visitor number since the last time the counter crashed. Yes, but isn’t it fun, Brad?