Radio Daze, the Band

Radio Daze, the Band

         Updated18 August 1998. URL is
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See Radio Daze at Pierre’s Entertainment Complex, main room, every Friday and Saturday through September 5. No cover before 9:00; cover is $3.00 on Fridays and $4.00 on Saturdays.

All over town, people have been telling me to see Radio Daze because I would love them. But I thought the name sounded like a lot of tired people going through the motions of music. It just sounded like no fun. WRONG! Saturday night at Pierre’s was the highest energy show I’ve ever caught there, except for my Blue Moon Boys and Red Ball Jets, and they didn’t have quite the crowd that Radio Daze had.

I swear everyone in the joint was 24 years old. Never saw a more homogenious crowd. They even dressed alike (shorts and halters or tees, sandals.) Never saw so many people having so much fun at Pierres all at once.

Get down and get with it while they are playing at Pierre’s. I don’t know where they are from, don’t know their names, don’t know how long they will be available to Fort Wayne, but GO.

Here are a very few of the shots Otto made from the edge of the stage. Everyone was very kind to let me get close. I thank all of you who made room for me. That never happened before! Usually I get to see the backs of the people in front of me. (Those roadblocked nights have inspired me to start a Best Buns contest, coming soon to a monitor near you.)


If I can’t jump up and down and scream, I might as well stay home, is my motto. We all screamed – all * night * long!

    The crowd was really UP for Radio Daze.

This beautiful woman plays keyboard and sings. The crowd loved her. She has lots of personality on stage. She likes us, and it shows. And hey, she has a great voice too!

Wow, this drummer even came back on stage to pose for pictures for me, when I couldn’t catch him from the apron. He is typical of the smiling joyful people in Radio Daze. No one ever posed for me before!! I didn’t ask; someone just told him I had been trying to shoot him. (Sorry I doctored the redeye so badly. Send advice!)

Girls were asking me to get this musician’s picture. They were wild about him. Sweet smiles!

I guess this was the Colts Cheerleaders or the Radio Daze Cheerleaders, like Soul Mine had at Legends. These fans shook it on stage while the band was on break. They are doing "Y.M.C.A." No one left the area to go get drinks; they were that entertaining. Probably Pierre’s lost a bucket of money!! Sure do hope they do this again.

Sorry, he was too far from me. He’s darling, too, so maybe I can get to his side of the stage next time they play. He’s on guitar; you can also see him in the picture with the keyboard lady.

Well, there they are. I hope to get more photos for you in the next three weekends that they will be at Pierre’s. It is so hard to tear myself away from Radio Daze to go see the other bands…. Think how crowded it will get when IU-Purdue and the other colleges are back in session! Hope Radio Daze has a CD.

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All the photos in Rockabilly Chronicle are copyright 1998 Sandra Weinhardt; (unless otherwise attributed) contact her for permission to use them to promote the bands. Permission usually cheerfully granted.

      18 August 1998