Late Night at the American Legion in Fairmount
Updated 29 March 2000 URL is
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If you landed here by mistake, here’s a link to the contents of DEANERS magazine pagesDeaners do Late Night at the American Legion Post in Fairmount, Indiana
With a new welcome by Beverly Hipes!You know that moment when you walk into a place for the first time, when everyone stops talking and turns to stare? Everyone at the Legion was too busy having fun to notice when the Deaner crowd walked in. Now in a small town, that’s really remarkable. They did, however, notice a few of us on the dance floor.
All weedend I missed chances to talk to Eddie Devlin from Scotland, flanked here by Christy and her husband of DADDY-O’s fame. Visit their website or regret it for decades!These fine Fairmounters visited with us. If everyone could be this happy, what a fine world this would be.
So much for my attempts to get rid of red-eye in photographs. Neil Douglas from the University of Wolverhampton, said he always has red-eye in pictures, and yes, he does.
Mary Ann Michna has her mind in Kansas.
Naomi and Phil Ziegler, Naomi and Lisa Blaney…. Naomi Yamada is everyone’s favorite Dean fan. Come back, Naomi!Scott went to Woodstock ’99, but found cheaper food, cheaper beer, better friends and cleaner bathrooms here at the Legion. Who knew?
Don’t tell those 500,000 people to come to Fairmount instead of Woodstock next time. We have first dibs.
Flipping Naomi. Sounds like a book title. Spinning Naomi. Twirling Naomi in the air. Anyone else would have felt seasick. Naomi loved it. This was the world’s tiniest Mosh Pit.
This was the slickest D.J. setup you ever saw, or heard. In a real car body, Professor Paul Book from Kokomo, Indiana kept the beat going like a demented drummer with perfect co-ordination. All business, but what a great business it is!A Welcome from Beverly Hipes
This welcome email arrived from Beverly Hipes. Beverly graciously invites us back to the legion any time. I guess we were on our best behaviour, eh? Of course we were! We’re Deaners! Thank you, Beverly, for making us welcome.
"Hi, my name is Beverly Hipes. I have lived in Fairmount all my life. A friend happened to find your web page and called and said you are in a picture, so here I am . I like your comments about the Fairmount Legion. I am now in my 2nd year as Auxiliary President. As I look at your pictures I am sure you had a great time, as we all usually do on this week-end. We hope you come back and visit us next year. The D.J. ‘s name is Professor Paul Book from Kokomo, Indiana. I just had him D.J. for the Legions 82nd birthday-dinner-dance the 18th of March, 2000. He does a great job.
We only live about 2 miles from your Aunt Jane Bauer who lives on Butch and Elsie Haindl’s place. My husband’s family and Butch were very close friends and neighbors. He used to stop and tell me if he thought which one of our cows were ready to give birth. He could just drive by and look and know. Butch and Elsie were very special people. Hope to see you all in September 2000.
Beverly Hipes
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