James Dean’s 1949 Mercury in Rebel Without a Cause

James Dean’s 1949 Mercury in Rebel Without a Cause

        Updated 12 April 1998. URL is http://our.tentativetimes.net/dean/49merc.html
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The Famous ’49 Mercury from the movie Rebel Without a Cause

Butch Daly sent this great billboard seen in Reno where the National Auto Museum houses the Mercury from Rebel Without A Cause.

This is the car James Dean drove in Rebel Without A Cause. Picture supplied by Butch Daly (formerly of Reno, Nevada.)

This car is in the National Auto Museum in Reno. Go see it, next time you are in Nevada! Then write and tell Otto what it was like. Thanks!

Do you have a James Dean license plate picture for this page?

The ’51 Merc wasn’t shabby but it still isn’t a 49, and you can take that to the bank.

Otto couldn’t believe that there was a Mercury truck, but here is living proof. This stunner came from Canada for the James Dean Run in 1997. Some day Otto’s notes will rise to the surface in the paperflood of the office; then we will know whose baby this is.

Contents of Our Dean Site

Here’s the link to the Outrageous Index for Otto.

The city index

The students index

Here’s Otto’s Cover

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