James Dean Pizza Party
Updated 12 October 1998. URL is http://our.tentativetimes.net/fest98/pizza.html
If you are stuck in a frame at another site, click on this line to break free. Need the index for the 1998 Festival pages??James Dean fans pizza party, September 30, 1998
This was the last supper we had together this year at the James Dean festival. Following tradition, at night after the memorial service, we hied ourselves to Pizza Hut in Marion Indiana, all 40 of us! As ever, no-one on staff objected to such a huge party, and service was excellent. Here are some of our family members, our sisters and brothers in Dean.
None of these photos are from the digital camera. There are regular snapshots scanned onto disk by Kodak, when they were developed. I find digital much better, but I didn’t have it with me. So most of these photos aren’t prize quality, and because people never look their best whilst eating, but these pictures are worth the memories.
Sometimes we get restless and require the services of a professional entertainer.
Let’s go now to the 1998 James Dean Fairmount nightwalk, to which we shuffled off after pizza.
Here are the fan section pages
Fans galoreHere be fans too
Fans at the Gallery
Pizza party
Fan shirts
Fan clothes
Fans walk at night
the index for the 1998 James Dean Festival,
part of the Contents of DEANERS e-zine
Here’s Otto’s cover. Our Tentative Times (Otto, for short) is the parent of this family of magazines.
This page made by Sandra Weinhardt. Send all additions and corrections to us at editor@tentativetimes.net
The contents of this page but not the links to outside resources of course) are ©copyright 98 by Sandra Weinhardt, all rights reserved except where otherwise specified.