James Dean Memorial Service, Cemetery, 2001

James Dean Memorial Service, Cemetery, 2001

       Updated 10 October 2001 URL is http://our.tentativetimes.net/01jdfest/grave01a.html

September 30, 2001
James Dean Gravesite
Fairmount, Indiana

Each year I say less and less about our graveside hour, because I have written about it for years. You may appreciate reading the pages from past years, so I will list them at the end of this page

Nikke Bazooka arrived with his yellow rose for Adeline and a fine saddle for James’s headstone. No scarf this year. We miss you, Adeline.

Linda LaVine of South Bend read a poem she wrote after September 11, this year. You will be able to read it here eventually. Linda is a fine writer and a devoted fan.

Mark Kinnaman reminds us how loyal a fan Arnold Siminoff was. Arnold passed away this past year. Everyone who knew him misses him.

Phil Zeigler sadly lists the fans we have lost.

Tom Burghuis who leads the memorial service every year now that Adeline Nall passed the scepter to him.

Precious fan Naomi Yamada made the Thousand Cranes tribute for James Dean again this year and brought it all the way from Japan. It takes her two minutes to make one crane. (Two thousand minutes is over 33 hours, plus the sewing together.) Naomi works long hours in Computer Aided Design for her employer. I wonder if she makes the Thousand Cranes for any other graves?
Ruth came from Aberdeen, Scotland for her first James Dean festival. She was influenced by her older sister, a major James Dean fan. At home, Ruth sleeps under a duvet cover made of material with James Dean printed on it. Does anyone know of a source for James Dean fabric?? Email [email protected]"
Here Ruth greets the delightful 2001 lookalike winner David Wozniak of Michigan.

Laura Pardini who has written and published Kissed By An Angel That information may be outdated, so email first to Laura at [email protected] The book is now published in English!

    Marcus Winslow in background.

Naomi Yamada with David Wozniak    
Guest Speaker Christine White with Lisa Blaney of Canada.

Ivan Ivins of Bluffton, Indiana attends each year. He follows the walkers on his motorcycle, to keep them safe on the walk to the cemetery. His club has an open Fairmount Ride each year, way before the festival, when things are less crowded.

The grave early on Sunday morning, 9-30-01.

Marcus and Ortense’s grave.

Winton Dean’s grave with his second wife. Jimmy’s mother, Mildred Wilson Dean, is in a cemetery in Marion.

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Please send corrections by email to Tell-Mama, a.k.a. Sandra Weinhardt      email [email protected]
You need to tell me exactly which page you refer to, because I have hundreds.

Logo by U.S. Army veteran Mark Kinnaman, artist to the fans. He has moved to Fairmount, Indiana!! Visit Mark’s thoughtful website