James Dean Memorial Service 2000

James Dean Memorial Service 2000

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James Dean Memorial Service, 9-30-2000

A Letter To Adeline

Adeline Mart Nall was James Dean’s speech and drama teacher who encouraged him at Fairmount High School. She was the central impetus for the memorial service, and we all miss her with all our heart.

Dear Adeline,

We know you were with us in spirit on September 30th. Just in case the crowd made it hard to see, or the sound was a little hard to hear, this letter is a recap of the 45th anniversary of Jimmy’s tragedy in Cholame, California.

Toni Lee ScottPamela, Toni, Tom Berghuis

We had a special visitor this year from Nevada, California. She’s Toni Lee Scott, a jazz singer who had been a special friend of Jimmy’s for 18 months. You would have been impressed with the silence that enveloped the crowd every time Toni talked. People pretty much didn’t move. We were too engrossed to breathe.

Pamela Des Barres has written a screenplay all about Toni and Jimmy, and we hope to see it made into a film this year. We all gathered in the evening to hear a table reading of excerpts from that screenplay, working title Blessing In Disguise. (Picture page is coming.)

Maryanne and Ann

Esther Huffman and ------- from Arkansas

Kinnaman and ---------

How about some pictures of your friends old and new? We’lll see some highlights inside Back Creek Friends Meeting. We all ate gratefully in the Fellowship Hall, fed by Martha Howell’s daughter and another Friend, before the service.

Susan Bricker       Can you believe how Susan Bricker, Martha Howell’s granddaughter, has grown up? It’s her 14th birthday already!

Toni Lee Scott

Pamela Des Barres

Tom Berghuis

Bob Pulley In the meeting hall, speakers told tales of Jimmy’s life and Toni Lee Scott set the record straight for the public for the first time. Let’s see what we learned, but not too many details, for Toni has her own website and Pamela’s movie will make everything clear.

Toni at Gallery

After the service, I’ll show you Jimmy’s headstone with the floral tributes this year, with lots of fans, on another page. (Picture page is coming.)
Adeline, you mean so much to us. Everyone tries to make you proud of how we carry on your legacy of caring and encouragement for one another.

Toni reads
Toni is reading from a book of dramatic sketches that Jimmy gave her.

At Back Creek Friends Church

from New Hampshire
From New Hampshire, one of Jimmy’s youngest fans and her mom.

Toni with Phil
Guest eulogist Toni Lee Scott from Nevada, California, with Phil Ziegler of Fairmount.

Little Rock

Michiko and Phil

Nikki and CBS

Nikki and rose

Nikki, Jane Bauer

Here is just a third of the buffet that Back Creek Friends provided for everyone at the Memorial. Did you remember to think them?

More Memorial Pictures

There are three pages of the memorial so far. They are this page and

Watch for the pictures from the Sunday night dinner and table reading of Pamela Des Bareres screenplay about Toni Lee Scott and James Dean.

Here’s the link back to the index page for the 2000 James Dean Festival in Fairmount.


button   Contents of the humongous DEANERS e-zine.

Image Map


This page made by Sandra Weinhardt. Send all additions and corrections to me at [email protected]
and be **sure** to include which **exact** page you refer to. I won’t know otherwise.
The contents of this page (but not the links to outside resources of course) are the property of Sandra Weinhardt, all rights reserved.