James Dean Gallery Open House 1998, the fans
Updated 8 March 1999. URL is http://our.tentativetimes.net/fest98/openhs98.html
If you are stuck in a frame at another site, click on this line to break free. Need the index for the 1998 Festival pages??David Loehr’s 1998 Open House at the James Dean Memorial Gallery
Great rejoicing when Naomi arrived from Japan, greeted here by Don Knutsen of Michigan, Bill Lane (Lane Williams) and Michael Kosik of Los Angeles.
Winner of the grand prize door prize, Chuck Shuetz from Schertz TX, (near San Antonio I think). Chuck won a sandcast brass belt buckle made by Kenneth Kendall, pictured here with Chuck.
A new face this year at the James Dean Festival, Michael Dean who is related to Jimmy. Michael’s parents are John and Rebecca Lhamon Dean, and John’s father was James LeRoy Dean of Phlox Friends Meeting. Most likely Ralph Kirkpatrick of Back Creek Friends Church has all the information they need, in his history books.
Contact this Dean family at 1250 East, 320 South, Greentown IN 46936. Phone there is (765) – 628-7619, if you have any family history to help them with. Michael did not exactly appreciate the fuss I made over him! Wonder what his brother David looks like, eh?
(See another photo of Michael in the lookalike section.)Kenneth Kendall is my hero; I plan to pose with him every year. He’s courtly and his voice is mesmerizing.
The Olmstead family from Detroit.
Brenda and Mark clown around on the porch in the rain.
Most excellent fan Adam Pelletier from Illinois serenaded the crowd.
There’s more to the Gallery than James Dean memorabilia. Look down at the floor in the foyer and see this parquetry. Note the leaded glass windows, the restored oak woodwork, all the details that went into a show home at the turn of the century.
Be sure to see the first page of the open house section, all about Billy Swan and his new songs about James Dean.
the index for the 1998 James Dean Festival,
This is part of the Contents of DEANERS e-zine
Here’s Otto’s cover, the parent of this family of magazines.
This page made by Sandra Weinhardt. Send all additions and corrections for the Bluffton pages to us at editor@tentativetimes.net
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