James Dean Fans

James Dean Fans

     Updated 22 May 1999. URL is http://our.tentativetimes.net/fest98/fanfan.html
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James Dean Fans, September 1998

Since the James Dean Festival is a homecoming for most of us, here are some of our family members. Our sisters and brothers in Dean.

    Sue and Ron James have that great e-zine Retro Living, over in Ohio. They never miss a Dean event. They hope to move to Fairmount. (Don’t we all?) Ron videotaped the Dean birthday party and is asking the Atomics if he can sell copies of the tape.

    On the left, Lisa Nelson from Wisconsin; then Shirley, then Cathy from Gas City. They are going to gather in the family from all over the map and make this event their annual reunion, from now on.

Aha! Here are the names of these Kettering, Ohio fans with Kenneth Kendall. From left to right: Dawn Houk, Sarah Shepherd and Karen Shepherd. Thanks for being patient with me on the names!

   Kyla Webb at the Gallery.

    Lyndon Biegas from Shelbyville, Tennessee never gets impatient. He is an ideal kid. We all wish he were our son or brother. Did you see him in the lookalike contest? Here he sits in the same chair James Dean sat in when he went to Kenneth Kendall’s studio and home in 1955. Kenneth has generously loaned the chair to the Gallery. See it on display in the Kenneth Kendall room, but don’t sit in it, please.

   Ana from Long Island, Michael Kosek and Bill Lane (remember that’s Lane Williams on screen credits) from L.A., Abra from the Gallery.

   Ok, so I really shouldn’t have said I was her boyfriend’s mother, and wanted part of her fingernail for a voodoo ceremony…. But it was her boyfriend who introduced me as his mother…. Never saw them before. Honestly. Never. Vintage clothing rules!!!

   Another fan happy to have reached Fairmount.

    Cheryl Elwell and her friend Alex Bernico drove down Sunday from Chicago for only a few hours. Cheryl is a computer whiz; Alex is a credit analyst with Allied Moving and Storage. Alex is a Dean lookalike but missed the contest. Contact him at [email protected]


John and Mark Kurek, best dancers, on the left, and Mary with her sister Dorene on the right. Or below the first picture, if your browser isn’t maximized. (Browsers are so funny that way.) Mary’s brother Kurt has a Rockabilly website

Let’s go to the second page of fan photos now!

Here are the fan section pages:
Fans galore

Here be fans too

Fans at the Gallery

Pizza party

Fan shirts

Fan clothes

Fans walk at night

the index for the 1998 James Dean Festival,

part of the Contents of DEANERS e-zine

Here’s Otto’s cover, the parent of this family of magazines.

This page made by Sandra Weinhardt. Send all additions and corrections for the Bluffton pages to us at [email protected]
The contents of this page but not the links to outside resources of course) are ©copyright 98 by Sandra Weinhardt, all rights reserved except where otherwise specified.

You are fan # to visit since26 October 1998.