Herman Zepps, WD9JKQ, Silent Key

Herman Zepps, WD9JKQ, Silent Key

     Updated January 26, 2010 URL is http://our.tentativetimes.net/city/zepps.html

Herman Zepps, WD9JKQ, Silent Key

   Otto is our mascot.

Herman Zepps, WD9JKQ, Silent Key

Herman Zepps was a wonderful Bluffton, Indiana resident, a member of the Wells County Amateur Radio Club and a friend to all. This tribute was written by a former Wells County Amateur Radio Club member, Charlie Murray of Fort Wayne and Carmel, Indiana. The Tom Butler family long kept and spoiled Herman’s dog, Lady.

I first met Herman through the Butler family. Tom Butler is a very close friend of mine and when visiting the Butlers as a child, I was introduced to Herman.

Since Herman had no family in the area he spent a lot of time at Butlers. Each evening, he ate dinner with their family. He also worked at the family store, then a Western Auto.

Herman’s car was sort of an office on wheels. He often had a book or some reading material fastened to the steering wheel so he could make use of each minute in the car.

Herman’s home was an interesting "experience". Being a bachelor, he had only to please himself and his faithful companion dog, Lady. When entering the front door I was greeted with several large office desks, sitting end to end to form a counter of sorts. Piled with books, folders, pamphlets, radios, and other electronic equipment. These desks provided a large area for him to wheel around on his desk chair and reach all of his "valuable" materials.

Lady had many "house privileges". She had multiple food and water dishes so she wouldn’t have to go far for food and water.

The sounds of a scanner usually filled the rooms and cables ran from room to room where needed.

Herman and his red bow tie! Very few people wear a bow tie, especially red.

When I moved back to Wells County 2 1/2 years ago, Herman began "working" me about getting the ham radio club going again. He had several ideas on how things should be done, but he rarely spoke out at meetings.

He had accomplished several academic achievements during his life at some very prestigious colleges. He also had some very responsible jobs with a variety of companies. He was proud of his commercial radio station WCRD FM.

When you speak to people about Herman, you soon realize that he had many friends. I never once heard him speak unkindly of anyone or raise his voice.

A true radio enthusiast, a good citizen, a man of God, and now a silent key.

WD9JKQ de WD9ITM……73 my friend….sk

This tribute was taken from Band Plan, the WCARC newsletter.

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Rose graphic by Sonia whose address I have lost.

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Page made by Sandra Weinhardt. Send all additions and corrections to me at [email protected]