Harleys and Old Fords

     Updated 8 March 1999 URL is http://our.tentativetimes.net/fanweek/fancycle.html
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Harleys and Old Fords and Fans, Oh My!

At David Loehr’s first annual fan appreciation weekend, we had two surprises on wheels. One was a private peek at Marcus Winslow’s special Ford collection, while the other was a visit from some Harley riders from all over the map.

    Otto leaped off the Gallery porch and chased this cycle down the street, for fear it wouldn’t stop. But they were stopping. They just wanted to back in to the curb a certain way. Most of the crowd didn’t want their photos taken for Our Tentative Times.

    Here are three well-maintained cycles at the curb. Kelly (who has the middle cycle) was riding without a seat though, and didn’t seem to mind. Her seat is being retooled in West Virginia.

"Krashin’" Kelly Coleman liked this picture with a bust of James Dean. She has been coming to Fairmount to the Museum and then to the gallery, which opened in 1988, since she was a little kid. Her father brought her all the way from Illinois.
Kelly said to be sure to tell you she’s known as the Rebel With A Cause, which is to give women the courage to do what they want to do with their lives. Did I mention that she sometimes writes for Iron Horse?

Kelly decided she wanted these two bikes in a picture with the house across the street. She actually asked a neighbor to leave the yard so she could have this shot taken. And you know, he didn’t argue! He was happy to help out. Fairmount must be getting used to us tourists! I wish everyone in town would all dress in 50s clothes. Then we’d feel even more like we are walking with Jimmy. A Williamsburg in the Heartland with the theme of "an age of innocence." Restore the high school. Build a Dairy Queen. Otto dreams too much.

Even Kelly couldn’t make the sun stop shining, to show off her mom’s artwork on her fender. You can see Kelly again on Laura Pardini’s page and on the gallery visitors page.

At Marcus’s Storage Area

This is Brian Hatton’s famous Spyder replica.

The Spyder from the nose.

You know this one, don’t you? The ’49 Ford that James Dean drove occasionally. The one that used to be gray. Its finish is perfect, but my lighting wasn’t. The whole vehicle is perfect.

Another Marcus vehicle, as well-kept as the others. Beautiful cars.

Marcus and three fans, one, Stephen Vodde from Illinois, the others from Austin TX, Mr. and Mrs. R.J. Mott.

Links to Otto Pages

Want to go to the most recent Fan Week Table?

Otto’s big index of James Dean Pages
This year’s June event, the Dean-themed Rockabilly Rebel Weekend #6
The Mercurys at the James Dean Run car show in Fairmount, Indiana. Info on how to register has just been added.
Otto’s Roots Music Pages in Otto
You can go to the cover of Otto any time.

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Links to Otto Pages

Want to go back to the Fan Week Index?

Otto’s big index of James Dean Pages
This year’s June event, the Dean-themed Rockabilly Rebel Weekend #6
See the Mercurys at the James Dean Run car show in Fairmount, Indiana. Info on how to register has been added.
Otto’s Roots Music Pages in Otto
You can go to the cover of Our Tentative Times any time.

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