Fairmount Indiana Lions Club Pins and Money Clips of James Dean

Fairmount Indiana Lions Club Pins and Money Clips of James Dean

imageFrom Fairmount Indiana

Updated August 4, 2005      URL is /jake/deanpins.html

Rare Opportunity to buy
Lions Club James Dean
Pins and Money Clips!

See pin pictures How to order Fairmount Lions info Link to Lions International

Fairmount, Indianais the town where James Dean was raised from age 9 to age 18.

For the first time, in honor of the 50th Anniversary of  James Dean’s death, you can buy beautiful enameled pins marking James Dean’s life.  Each year the Fairmount, Indiana, Lions Club has commissioned a pin.  Each year’s production is limited to 1000 pins.  There are some left from recent years.  The club has voted to release this collection for a limited time, beginning in May 2005. 
Each pin has a numbered certificate of authenticity and a bit of history pertaining to the particular Dean picture chosen for that year.  The pins are licensed by CMG, the licensing entity in charge of James Dean memorabilia.

Here are some pin photos. Every pin is about the same size, but my photos aren’t.


Clip price is $25.00


2005 pin is $15.00


2004 pin is $15.00


2003 pin is $15.00


2002 pin is $15.00


2001 pin is $15.00


2000 pin is $15.00

1999 pin is sold out
1998 pin is sold out
1997 pin is sold out
etc.  etc.  etc!




  1. To order, email Lion Jake Roth at [email protected] or phone him at
    1-765-948-4550 and leave a message with your name and number.  
  2. Write out your choices and include a check or money order for the pins plus $6.00 for shipping and handling, plus $1.39 for insurance.   Make check payable to Fairmount Lions Club.
    Sent the check to Lion Jake Roth, P O BOX 97, Fairmount IN 46928, with your name and shipping address!
  3. Your items will be shipped by Priority Mail with a tracer number.
  4. We regret that we can only deal with U.S. currency and nited tates addresses.
  5. Orders will be filled as they are received.  Your payment will be returned if the club has run out of pins for certain years.


     Lions Clubs Are Wonderful

    Since Lions clubs were established, Lions have been dedicated to giving back to their communities. Lions clubs provide community parks, playgrounds, senior citizen programs and more.
    Lions remain committed to improving the lives of those less fortunate—around the world and right at home.

    Fairmount Lions Club History:

      The Fairmount Lions Club was Chartered on January 6, 1947. The work of the
    Lions Club members continues to serve the community and its citizens in
    whatever way is required. Early projects were funded primarily from the sale
    of hot dogs & burgers at Fairmount High School Football games.

      The Money we raise from the sale of James Dean Pins is given in Memory of
    him as a Scholarship to a Graduating Senior at our local Madison-Grant High School. We
    also have  a food booth at the James Dean Run Car Show the last full week-end
    in September. We will be selling  James Dean Pins  next to the DJ at the
    Park that week-end also.

      Other Projects that we support are:
      Cancer Control, Eye Bank, Leader Dog for the Blind, Sightfirst Programs,
    Recycling eye glasses for the needy, Speech & Hearing, Benches for the park,
    Christmas Lights, Flags for downtown, Round Robbins, Fairmount Fire Dept,
    Helping Hands. We have an active club and dedicated members who care about
    Fairmount and its citizens.

    Club Details — FAIRMOUNT — INDIANA

    Club Number: 0000009598
    District: 25 D
    Meeting Place: FAIRMOUNT LIONS DEN
    Meeting Address: 10152 South 100 East
    Meeting Time: MO,1,3,7:00PM

    See more stories on the national Lions Club page at http://www.lionsclubs.org/EN/content/news_newsaction.shtml


    Australian SEO
    Australian SEOCounter

    This page is made in friendship by Sandra Weinhardt, email [email protected], creator of http://www.deaners.net/  and webmaster for We Remember Dean International at www.tentativetimes.net/jdr/ 
    Main Lions Club International Home Page lives at http://www.lionsclubs.org/EN/index.shtml
    or if you prefer another language, use http://www.lionsclubs.org/index.php3


          You can go to http://www.deaners.net/ now, and thanks for visiting us!