Eddie Shaw and the Wolfpack, Frog Island ’98

Eddie Shaw and the Wolfpack, Frog Island ’98

         Updated18 August 1998. URL is http://our.tentativetimes.net/frogisland/eshaw.html

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Eddie Shaw

and the Wolfpack

I didn’t make this Frog Island page for a while, because I figured Eddie had all the publicity he needs, since he is such a well-known star. But then I read that he’s coming to Fort Wayne, Indiana, my town, on Friday, August 21 at the Hot Spot, so I want to get his band pictures up right away. No one should miss an Eddie Shaw and the Wolfpack show.

"Wolfpack" refers to Howlin’ Wolf with whom all or most of these musicians have played.

Here are the shots I got at Frog Island in June of 1998:

Eddie Shaw himself, posterized.

I didn’t get to find out the names, but this is for sure Eddie Vaan Shaw, Eddie’s son. He has his own CD out too. He is spectacular to watch!

All that technical Web Stuff

Why not send in your reviews, opinions or praise for the bands at Frog Island? I obviously am not informed enough to talk about them…. so you are most welcome to email me. Tell me if I can include your name and email address with your comments.

Want to go back to Our introduction to Frog Island? You might need the Music Index now

Or else you need the cover of Our Tentative Times

Or else you need the cover of Our Tentative Times

      18 August 1998