Destination Detox, the Band

Destination Detox, the Band

    Updated 24 June 1999   URL is
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Destination Detox

At last! A band with an apt name. Destination Detox is an in-your-face bunch of musicians who want to entertain you. They aren’t out there just to be self-indulgent. This is original music, well expressed, in short sets so far. I’ve seen them at the Sportsman and at Columbia Street West, and they’ve played at the Emerson in Indianapolis. You’ll get a kick out of Destination Detox. Dart Davis has his own home page for his band. Visit his official Destination Detox home page. Now he can update it to his heart’s content! I am not good at updating anything.
Email the man at [email protected]

I guess the music is alternative, or punk, but it has more thought behind each song. What do you call Destination Detox’s music genre?

Part of the fun is Dart Davis’s delightful wife Laura, who sews special outfits to wear to the shows.

These photos came from an August 18th Midwest Original Music night, a production of Richard Reprogle, at Columbia Street West, on Tuesdays. Thanks, Richard, for all you do for us.

Photos of the ‘toxins

Former lead singer Trooper.

     Here’s Laura Davis in her red and white fantasy. You realize, of course, that this dress is vinyl? She is now going to sell creative dresses as well as do custom sewing for people in the scene. Her new sewing machine does all she could ask of it. Cindy Weigold is standing beside Laura. Cindy is another major supporter of original music here in Fort Wayne. She did the paint job on Dart’s guitar. I have a pic from Sportsman but can’t locate it.

Dart Davis was having a rough night. He had burned his eyes welding, just some quick little job at work. Big mistake. So he really should have had both eyes bandaged, but he knew the show must go on. If he hadn’t thought "just one beer wouldn’t hurt" he could have kept those pain pills down long enough to do himself some good. They said he’d be well in a few days.

Laura found him this wonderful black and white shirt. It let Dart stay cool on stage under the hot lights. Even his guitar looks good against this shirt, and his eyepatch accessorizes it.

Here’s the one that doesn’t even use alcohol, but they call the drummer Tim Puke. I didn’t get to chat with him. He keeps to himself. Hey Tim, good show!

Scrappy Cadaver on guitar, set it on fire at the last song. Chris works hard on publcizing the band’s gigs.

Yeah, Trooper, take a bow. You deserve applause. This was the best performance you’ve done. Tight and lean, straight through. Together.

Brian adds to the fun.

Can you see from this pic that Dart’s hair is vivid neon purple?

    Told ya he set it on fire. Yeah, and then when Troop’s ‘do droops, the hair spray will be all gone…. We’ll have to use candle wax on it. ‘Course there’s always Elmer’s Glue ™ like Cindy uses on Brian’s hair.

You are encouraged to bookmark this page. It will keep you from losing your wits.

Did you see Dart and Laura on a Bel Airs page? They are way down toward the bottom of the page.

There is going to be a page for the second act of this night’s show, Suicide King from New York. Great photos, coming eventually!!

Don’t leave us! But if you must, you probably need the Music Index now

All the photos in Tell-Mama are copyright 1998 or 1999 by Sandra Weinhardt(unless otherwise attributed). Contact her for permission to use them to promote the bands. Permission usually cheerfully granted.

      26 October 1998