David Loehr’s Dean Fan Friday Dinner 2001

David Loehr’s Dean Fan Friday Dinner 2001

       Updated 4 August 2001 URL is http://our.tentativetimes.net/01fan/dinner.html

2001 Fan Appreciation Friday Dinner

   At the first major event of David Loehr’s Fan Appreciation Weekend, we met at the Lion’s Clubhouse for a filling, tasty deli dinner with a surprise musician, Paul Waters. Paul is a Dean fan we hadn’t met before. He was a smashing success, singing true rockabilly in a tribute to Buddy Holly, singing originals and other covers, and playing the guitar as if he had been born holding one. Assisted by his charming wife, Paul stayed for the weekend and absorbed all the Dean ambiance Fairmount has to offer. Contact Paul at 319.322.3169 in Iowa.

Turns out I took way more photos at this dinner than at the banquet, so please go get some coffee and then scroll your way down.

Kurt is a professor of English in Illinois, while Tommy Tucker is a lifelong Fairmounter. Jane Bauer’s cat is named Tommy Tucker. Jane won the door prize. See next picture.
Jane Bauer of Fairmount won the swingin’ shirt from Bob and Kristy Pulley Berry’s 50’s store, Daddyos. She also won a fifty dollar gift certificate from Daddyos. I suspect she’ll want to buy saddle shoes to go with her shirt. Jane was cheerleading coach whhen she taught phys ed at Adams in South Bend, so she was very active in the 1950s with clothes and music. Having ten sisters didn’t hurt her either, when it came to borrowing clothes. Jane is the sister of the late Elsie Haindl who was married to the legendary Joe the Butch in Fairmount.

Mark Kinnaman, who has a huge collection of Lenny shirts from Lenny’s store Rebel Rebel, branches out with a shirt from Daddyos, donated by Bob Berry.

Dustin Crawford, two days from his 13th birthday. See him on the Sunday picnic page. He’s with his dad here.
Dustin’s mom, Pam Crawford, brings the family up from Little Rock, Arkansas to Fairmount, several times a year. Fans, it is a lot easier to get a motel room any time other than the last weekend in September, so consider coming to Fairmount in the summer. Everything is open, but there are no crowds.

Fans Doris and Bob from Attica, Indiana say hello to their relatives all over the United States. This is their first appearance on the internet.

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Buy shirts and more from Daddyos on-line. Coming soon to downtown Fairmount, they hope by September 2001, Daddyos will fill your 50s needs.

Links to Deaner Pages

Want to go to the Fan Week Table
See a little bit about the 2000 Fan Appreciation Weekend on this site.
See the 1999 Fan Appreciation Weekend on this site too.
The first fan appreciation weekend happened in 1998.
Deaners James Dean massive site index
1998’s June event, the Dean-themed Rockabilly Rebel Weekend #6
The Mercurys at the James Dean Run car show in Fairmount, Indiana. Info on how to register is on that page.
Tell-Mama music magazine

The cover of Our Tentative Times

Please send corrections by email to Tell-Mama, a.k.a. Sandra [email protected]
You need to tell me exactly which page you are referring to, because I have hundreds.

Logo by Mark Kinnaman, artist to the fans. Visit Mark’s picture-packed website