Bluffton Indiana’s New Sewage Treatment Plant

Bluffton Indiana’s New Sewage Treatment Plant

     Updated 21 November 2000       URLis

Added November 2000, New treat: the Bluffton Wastewater Treatment Facility at Christmas! A treat instead of a treatment. Unbelieveable!!

Flushed With Pride

Bluffton, Indiana’s New Wastewater Treatment Facility

Address: 409 North Main Street, Bluffton, Indiana 46714 (behind the Clark station.) Our wastewater treatment facility’s telephone number is 219-824-5430. You can email our Mayor, the Honorable Ted Ellis, at He can get your email to Superintendent Robert Mohler.

Superintendant Bob Mohler opened Bluffton’s new sewage treatment facility on May 2, 1998. His granddaughters Paris (left) and Ashton Mohler hold the ribbon. Paris and Ashton’s father Bill, with Bill’s sister, held the ribbon for the dedication of the older part of this sewage plant many years ago. At that time Bob Mohler’s father was the superintendent of the plant. We expect Mohlers to carry on this tradition, as Bill Mohler already works there!

The entire layout diagram is scanned in, when you want to refer to it or study it.

The lineup for speechifying: Councilmen Mark Baller and Bob Bates, former mayor Everett Faulkner, superintendent Bob Mohler, Mayor Ted Ellis (son-in-law of Ev Faulkner) and City Clerk Nancy Hewitt. Only Ted and Bob orated. Ted’s speech was brief. He explained that this accomplishment was set in motion by Mayor Faulkner’s work, and finished under the Ellis aegis, with all the citizen complaints about our new fees going onto Nancy’s shoulders, and Ted’s. That’s pretty smart politics, Everett!!

Bob also was brief, welcoming us and explaining the route of the tour. It was a healthy hike, even for those who skipped the old part of the facility. We got to go down into the bowels of the pumping station, two floors beneath the ground, to the lowest point in the city, except for one basement at Caylor-Nickel Medical Center that is twelve inches deeper.

Although the weather had sprinkled on and off all morning, it dried up for our tour.

See the whole staff and read the greeting from our Mayor. That page will link right back here.

   In the sparkling lab, Ashton Mohler admires the helium balloons.

   Each item of interest was neatly labeled. This sign was on the pumps in the sub-basement of the pump house, (see picture above the sign.) The 4 pumps in this room are huge.

   This spiffy new control panel makes it looks so simple. It’s not! Notice that there were newspersons here from Channel 15 and from Channel 21. It is gratifying to know that our plant is that noteworthy. Perhaps many cities will send delegates here to see how a perfect plant can get built on schedule.

We all wondered what the refreshments might be. There was idle speculation among the goodly crowd. Hot fudge sludge? Apple juice? Mississippi Mud pie? Our suspense built. At the end of the tour we were ushered into an office area with an endless table spread with pastries, cookies, meatballs, crackers and cheese, brownies and veggies with dips. Big plastic bins full of ice held soda pop, and coffee flowed from an urn. There was plenty of food for third and fourth trips. It was a party to remember.

Want more pictures? Visit the second Sewage Party photo page

     Otto thanks you for visiting Bluffton and our new sewage treatment facility. He loves to go out there because there are ponds where wild ducks and Canada geese flock, and anyone can feed them.

You are encouraged to bookmark this page. Remember Bluffton, and come see us soon.

Links Out

Anything on wheels!! Here are the trucks of the sewage plant

Visit the second Sewage Party photo page

Anything on wheels!! Here are the trucks of the sewage plant

Here’s the page with the staff photo and letter from Mayor Ted Ellis.

Here’s the diagram of all you read about here.

Here’s an aerial photo of our sewage treatment plant.

Here’s a further explanation of the workings of this sewage treatment facility.

Or you may have arrived from the cover of Otto

Extra hearty thanks to our sponsor, without which we would be silence and darkness.


Opinions expressed in Our Tentative Times are solely those of each writer, and probably do not reflect the opinions of anyone else. From time to time even the writers change their opinions. Several of us are of two minds about some things. Sometimes we even report on news without having even one teensy opinion about the subject, but that’s rare. Otto is not responsible for chages of location, dates or performers that occur without our being informed of such. Always check before leaving home. Do not consume Otto oftener than thrice a day. Floss regularly.

This page is written by "Sewage Plant Sandra," aka Sandra Weinhardt. Send your extensive corrections for these pages to me at

      tons of newspaper were recycled into animal bedding each week by Bluffton’s recycling center.