Audie Pitre’s Obituary

         Updated 24 February 1999 URL is

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The Death of Audie Pitre

Audie Pitre was a best friend of your editor’s nephew. They were in the same band, Acid Bath. When Audie and his family were killed, many of his fans wrote letters. Those letters are on the Audie Pitre letters page

The Acid Bath pages are relevant to Opine magazine. Opine magazine is about small towns and small cities. You will agree that Cut Off, Louisiana is small. Opine magazine is about students. Audie’s death touched a great many young people.

In Memoriam, Audie Pitre

Another fatherless baby

is in our world

because A. Trahan

drove drunk.

Audie Pitre and his parents, Nora and Kermit Pitre, were killed by a drinking driver on the Bourg-Larose Highway on Thursday, January 23, 1997, just before 6:00 pm. The weather was stormy, and there was fog. The road is arched over with moss-hung trees.

The funeral was in Cutoff at the new Samart Funeral Home. Calling hours were 6:00 to 10:00 p.m. on Sunday and again on Monday from 8:00 to 10:00 a.m. at which time the triple funeral commenced. The surviving band members were pall bearers.

Audie’s younger brother Kelly was in the car but survived the crash. He is living with relatives now and doing well, physically. Kelly was only 13 years old. He has one sister in her early twenties. There was a fund started but it is no longer active.

The pickup truck that hit the Pitres had sideswiped another pickup before the fatal accident. The driver was charged with having used alcohol. (He reportedly has had three or four drunk driving tickets and was not supposed to be driving.) The owner of the pickup which hit the Pitres was a passenger in the truck, and his friend was driving. The driver is reported uninjured.

Everyone loved Audie.

News from Michelle about their new baby, Audie Layne Pitre!!

Hello Sandra, This is Michelle, Audie’s girlfriend. Dawn told me that you were interested in geting some info on me and the baby. I will send you some pictures.

I would like to thank you and everyone for all of your support and your contributions; they are greatly appreciated and put to good use. Me and the baby are doing great. He is getting so big! He weighs 16 lbs and he is 26 inches long and looking more like his dad than ever.

He is such a blessing to me. I really did not think that I would ever be able to be happy again after Audie died, but since the baby is born he has given me a reason to enjoy life again. It’s almost like Audie isn’t gone, because the baby looks and believe it or not sometimes acts just like his dad.

Adam Thahan that killed Audie finally got convicted to serve 15 years in the state pen. I hope he rots.

Please feel free to write to me at 366 West 59th St, Cut Off LA 70345

Update, January 1998: Baby Audie Layne Petrie has had his heart surgery and is in fine health now!

If you drink, don’t drive.

If you drive, don’t drink.

It’s that simple.

Read fans’ tributes to Audie Pitre on the tributes page.

Other Acid Bath Fan Sites

These change so much we can’t keep up with them. Please keep us posted.


Now folks, these sites have their own standards, so don’t blame us for the language or opinions on other’s pages. Be of stout heart, or don’t visit them at all. These pages are for the core fans of death metal. The tender or timid need not apply.

  • Frank Terry has a new website for Acid Bath, with 22 links. He’s 19 and lives near N’Awlins, a friendly guy with great taste in music!
  • New Site by a talented 16 year old college student, from Harvard no less. (Now at Lovejoy.) Marduke213 had the good taste to lift stuff from these pages and tell me he did so. And he links to this page, so that’s good. He has a new slant on the band and hopes to hear from you. I really enjoyed his site. Go visit. Talk amongst yourselves.
  • Occasionally this is not accessible:Jonathan Laughery has taken over his brother’s Acid Bath website and made it bigger. (His brother hadn’t enough time.) He has the good taste to link to us, so of course it is a great, outstanding, fine site.
  • Here are some new links from producer Keith Falgout:
  • Ah, another Acid Bath link. Go visit Craig Lyndall’s site too.
  • (May no longer be there:) A new site for Acid Bath in the UK! Be sure to get your tabs (and lyrics?) from setch. He had contributed to Newcorpsie’s site and in return has "won the rights." Please keep contributing to this effort.

There were benefit shows to benefit Kelly Pitre, 13 year old surviving Pitre son and brother of Audie, as well as Audie’s (born in July ’97) child.

Visit my friends atCajun Net, dawlin.

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