Arnold’s Fabulous Fifties Drive-In, page three

Arnold’s Fabulous Fifties Drive-In, page three

        Updated March 10, 2007.      URL is
Arnold’s Fabulous Fifties Drive-In, 222 North 13th Street (Hwy. 27), Decatur Indiana 46733, Phone 219-728-4740, Owner: Lori Collier

More Scenes At Arnold’s Drive-In Restaurant

Just inside the front door.

      Guess what this is in! The 1960s themed room that will seat 70 people. They’ll need the seats, too, because this restaurant is like groovy, man, far out! Wow. Lots of black light and fluorescent paint, tie die, music posters, a veritable live trivia setting. Be there or be square!

The neon lights reflected off the Harley, making another magic moment. I hope Arnolds is the scene of many a rock and roll wedding.

Every inch of Arnold’s is filled with nostalgia. You can’t tell it here, but the motorcycle model in the window is the same as the real one on the front lawn of the James Dean Memorial Gallery this past September at the James Dean Festival. It is a pale mint green. You will never see it all, no matter how many times you go to Arnold’s. There are lots of big booths and some fountain stools, so you can always have a new view. The new 1960s back room will seat 70 people!! There are loads of servers on hand, inside and out.

If you went to a local high school in the fifties, you can sign the ceiling!

For all you jukebox collectors out there, come see this baby. Pink and turquoise, not to be played, just to be adored.  Lori can make it play, but most of the time the music is piped in. It’s fifties music, never fear. Now we can converse, and the servers can hear us! Peace reigns. Oh, and peace, brother, in the 1960s room.

These lights in the cars-in-the-wall actually light up. Cool!

I wonder what other areas of the country have senior cords. The skirts or trousers are cream colored corduroy, decorated with the most meaningful symbols of your high school years (or college years if you go to Purdue.) These are fast becoming highly collectible. Memories, memories.

We Deaners appreciate seeing James Dean  on every wall, including the loo. Read more about Jimmy in

More Pages To Enjoy

Page two, more cool photos of Arnold’s
and remember to visit the car show and
Drool through the excellent menu of food at Arnolds
Arnold’s Main Page
on line now for your viewing pleasure! Do not exceed recommended dosage of nostalgia.

Another local drive-in is The Trees, south of Decatur on Highway 27. It is south of Berne but north of Geneva. Car hop service. You can also do more antiquing in Berne and Geneva. Why go anywhere else but Adams County on your day trip? Please watch out for the Amish buggies though.

Also see my pages on Bummies in Bluffton and the Dutch Mill
Another side trip from Bluffton, Indiana:  the James Dean Index Page

     This site was created in friendship by Sandra Weinhardt , email [email protected]
All errors are my fault. Feel free to call them to my attention.

To the cover of Our Tentative Times Magazine