1999: James Dean Memorial Service brunch

1999: James Dean Memorial Service brunch

     Updated 14 August 2000      URL is http://our.tentativetimes.net/99memorial/mem3.html

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1999 James Dean Memorial Service

Brunch Photos

Martha Howell and Phil Ziegler are both members of Back Creek Friends Meeting and therefore we are their guests at the memorial service. Esther Huffman, on page one, is the pastor’s wife, while Patsy Vetor is another member of Back Creek. (I may not have these terms quite right.)

Although I did not meet these fans, the man on the right is from Germany.

    Ben came in his van. We all wanted him to stay longer, but he said he had to go. I didn’t get to visit with him, but people said he is touring the country this year.

Heath Schacktele from Michigan, Magdalin Leonardo of New York and Kurt Whirl of Orlando spend a bittersweet moment before the whole weekend and service are over. No one ever wants to leave Fairmount.

    It was wonderful to have Laura, Marcel and Heidi back with us. Read about Laura’s book on James Dean, Kissed By An Angel, here in Deaners. It’s available in English now!



Karen from Ohio, Steve and Cindy.

Donovan Wilson and Maxine Rowland

Mark Kinnaman and Gary Bryant.

Peter interviews Dizzy Sheriday. Her book Dizzy and Dean will be published in October 2000 by Regan books, a division of HarperCollins.

Mr. and Mrs. Marcus Winslow

Liz talks with Cleve Porter

    Who made this lovely, ghostly sheet with Jimmy’s face on it? It was hung as a window curtain during the service. It was subtle and etherial.

Here’s a link to the main index for the 1999 James Dean festival

Contents of DEANERS e-zine.

This page made by Sandra Weinhardt. Send all additions and corrections to her at editor@tentativetimes.net

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