1998 Rock Lasso Contest

1998 Rock Lasso Contest

     Updated 14 October 1998. URL is http://our.tentativetimes.net/fest98/lasso98.html
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So what’s a rock lasso?

    Here you see two rock lassos, held by Scott and Craig, with judge Sally Most between them. Craig placed second in speed knotting.

A rock lasso is a rope, like a cotton clothesline rope, with either a big knot on one end or a rock tied on at one end. These can be used in a very small space to practice knot tying. The contest derives from James Dean learning to use the lasso for the movie Giant. His teacher was actor and acting/voice coach Bob Hinkle, a native Texan, a real cowboy.

Many of the same people compete each year in the rock lasso contest. It’s quite small, and everyone is encouraged to try her hand at this skill. This year saw at least two new contestants. There were two timed tests in the elimination round:
1. How fast can you make five knots, five single knots. The stop watch times from when the rock leaves the ground to when the rope is knotted. (Rope unknotted after each knot.) 2. How many knots can you tie in 4 seconds, continuous knotting. Rope not untied between knots. Please send me your name if I missed it.

Memories of the 1998 rock lasso contest at Fairmount Museum Days

Two more officials, Susie Presswood and Eric Draper. You can contact Eric at 1-765-998-0902. He was in charge of lots of activities.

   Judge Susie Presswood with contestant Tony Defriese. Tony was one of the three finalists. He’s from New Paris Ohio and rumor has it he drives a terrific car. Look him up if you stop by the big truckstop that he manages.

Trying to get these names right…. Scott Imfeldt from Rochester NY, local boy in red shirt, Craig Kester from Rochester NY, Chuck Shuetz from Schertz TX, Adam Pelletier from Illinois in gray shirt, Tony Defriese from Ohio in green shirt, Kazu Shimizu of Himeji, Japan in white shirt.

   Another finalist, Adam Pelletier in the gray tee and hat, placed second in multiple knots. Misty Marrs is way over to the right.

   Misty Marrs, now 22, has been winning the contest since she was six years old. This year Misty won both first place trophies, one for speed and the other for the number of knots tied. Misty actually tied her five individual knots in 1.1 seconds. She is amazing. Misty is a student at Ball State University.

    Chuck Shuetz from Schertz TX, (near San Antonio I think). Chuck won the big prize at the James Dean Memorial Gallery Open House on Thursday night.

    Naomi Yamada from Osaka and Kazu Shimizu of Himeji, Japan practice before the contest.

           Two Fairmount residents gave it their all. Good sports! Hope they send me their names.

    Here is a famous celebrity, Pamela DesBarres, seated between Misty Marrs dad and mom. Pamela covered the festival for television. She was very friendly and easy to talk to. Her son’s middle name is Dean, named for Jimmy.

Mr. Marrs has a television show focused on local events. There should be some interesting Dean material on his shows.

    It wouldn’t be a festival without Outsider Lisa Blaney, shown here with Adam Pelletier and Shawn Cox.

   These beautiful trophies show the care and thoughtfulness the committee puts into this event. There have never been any more beautiful awards than these.

Here’s the index for the 1998 James Dean Festival,

This is part of the Contents of DEANERS e-zine

Here’s Otto’s cover, the parent of this family of magazines.

This page made by Sandra Weinhardt. Send all additions and corrections for the Bluffton pages to us at [email protected]
The contents of this page but not the links to outside resources of course) are ©copyright 98 by Sandra Weinhardt, all rights reserved except where otherwise specified.

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