1998 Awards, James Dean Run Car Show

1998 Awards, James Dean Run Car Show

     Updated 25 October 1998. URL is http://our.tentativetimes.net/fest98/caraward.html
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’98 Awards: Cluster Busters James Dean Run

Play Name That Official
See a few of the many winners among the 2600+ cars entered.

Mostly Many Mercurys

I’m making this page for me and all the Mercury lovers out there, because I didn’t get to make one last year. I sure hope the club won’t mind.

   There are always fun things for the kids to do at the James Dean Run. This boy won candy in a guessing game.

    This sign was a gift to the Cluster Busters club from —————–.

   This 1998 poster original art was presented to John Master as an important gift from the club.

Various officials whose names I probably have misspelled included Matthew Thompson, Jim Thompson and Steve Thompson (President.)

Winners in the Top 20 Merc category, in no particular order, included (all spellings are guesses):
Don Bell, Dick Cline, —- Marking, Waymon Hawkins, Darryl Moser, Rodney and Judy Gunther, Harry Adkins, Kurt and Judy Butler, Ed Lepold, Mary Manning, Ted and Carol Burleson, Roger and Janet Sone, Jim Sone, Rock Benedict, Bob Kevel, Greg and Shawn Poland, Steve Gredke, Betty Yount and Pete Miller. For goodness sakes, send me the correct names! I’m not really trying to make the most mistakes per page of any page on the internet.

Best Rebel Merc, Victor Mann(?); lowest car, Mike Delaney; most unique, Gene and Mary Flower.




   The NSRA Safety Award went to Carolyn Mann with honorable mention to Hollis Baker.
The State Police safety award went to Bill and Kathy Dwyer’s 35 Ford, (unless I got those two reversed.)


Marcus Winslow presenting the Dean Family award. Winner Bill Dwyer was not present.

George Barris’s award went to (I think) Guy Butcher’s 1950 Merc.

Joe Bailon’s Candy Apple Red/Miss Elegance award went to Kevin Anderson. Joe will have his own page on this site as soon as I make it.

The Gene (Dean?) Winfield Clinic award went to Sonny and Maria Lowe’s Candy Apple Red Merc.

Some photos of the many winners

   Pam Ramsey wrote that her husband J. D. Ramsey was the only winner from the town of Fairmount and won a Top Five Street Machine award. Here’s his picture. It was a 1966 Nova. Email the Ramseys at [email protected]

    Very happy winners.



This smaller copy of the real Mercury is actually a pedal car. The top lifts off. The owner’s son rides it every chance he gets. This big blue car won the KOA award, and the delightful owner didn’t vote on the prize, although he is the Indiana head of the KOA.


       I loved her car, and I don’t know why this lady was so surprised to win. She has a very hot ’39 Chevy.




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Then there will be another page too, for Joe Bailon soon….

the index for the 1998 James Dean Festival,

This is all part of the Contents of DEANERS e-zine

Here’s Otto’s cover, the parent of this family of magazines.

This page made by Sandra Weinhardt. Send all additions and corrections for the Bluffton pages to [email protected]
The contents of this page but not the links to outside resources of course) are ©copyright 98 by Sandra Weinhardt, all rights reserved except where otherwise specified. But ask me for permission, and you can use them.