1997 James Dean Festival in Fairmount Indiana

     Updated 8 October 1998. URL is http://our.tentativetimes.net/dean/festival.html

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1998 James Dean Festival :

Here’s the index for the 1998 James Dean Festival,

As of October 8, the night walk isn’t started and the Memorial service is only half-done, but otherwise, please start sending in your many corrections. There will be non-stop changes to these new pages for a month or so. If you get a 404 on any of these, try again in 5 minutes. If still a 404, let me know please!

The 1997 James Dean Festival

We’ve seen blue skies,

through the tears in our eyes,

and we realize

we’re coming home.

Lyrics from Rocky Horror Picture Show

The 1997 Festival was a homecoming for Dean fans, unlike any other celebration.

If you landed here by mistake, here’s a link to the contents of Otto’s Dean pages.

There is a credit line for the jacket above, below.

Rockabilly Gigs around this area (midwest)

On this page:

The 1997 James Dean September Festival in Fairmount, page one

  • The James Dean Memorial Gallery
  • Kenneth Kendall

  • Robert Hinkle
  • Adeline Nall

  • Memorial Service

  • George Barris

And on page two of this year’s coverage:

Friends new and old: Naomi Yamada from Osaka, Nikky Bazooka and Dean Archivist David Loehr.

The James Dean Memorial Gallery

425 North Main Street

Fairmount, Indiana, 46928

email is dl@jamesdeangallery.com

URL is http://www.jamesdeangallery.com

Phone (765) 948-3326

Fax (765) 948-3389

Hours 9-6, Indiana time, every day.

Dean Archivist David Loehr’s

James Dean Memorial Gallery

What a milestone in our lives!! The Memorial Gallery was the center of activity for all the website readers. You have to see the James Dean Memorial Gallery to believe it! There are seven rooms of James Dean memorabilia and knowledgeable staff to answer your every question.

The Gallery is open every day of the year, from 9:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. Indiana time. The phone there is 765-948-3326; the fax is 765-948-3389. To find it, turn onto Main Street heading into town, (at the traffic light out on highway 26, which runs off I-69.) Go ’til you see the huge white house with the sign, on your right. It is at 425 Main Street. Oh, and the zip code for Fairmount is 46928 if you want to write.

They have their own website now.

Kenneth Kendall

Guest of Honor

Read some of what Kenneth told us at the Memorial Service. Read more about Kenneth Kendall on this site. He is the sculptor who created the head of James Dean on the monument at the Griffith Observatory. At the festival, he presides over the Kenneth Kendall Room in the Gallery with witty stories and poignant memories.

Most of the weekend found the gracious artist on the front porch, signing his new postcard and visiting with everyone who stopped by. We learned much Hollywood lore and chuckled at Hollywood legends.

Many Kendall paintings sell at the Gallery as large postcards. See paintings by Kenneth Kendall in a separate section.

Scott Imfelt of Rochester, New York, had practiced for two years and it paid off, for he won the Rock Lasso Contest. He’s the golden god with his head on the display case in the photo above. His friends are Craig Kester, Heath from the Gallery, and John Garces.

Want to go back to the Contents

Another legend from Hollywood delighted us again at the festival. Bob Hinkle is the man who taught James Dean to use a lasso. He was the dialogue director and technical director for Giant and helped create Dean’s role.

Enjoy the whole story of Robert Hinkle here! I’ll link you back to this spot. I promise.

    This was our first year without Adeline, and she is sorely missed. Yet some visitors to the Gallery didn’t know who Adeline Nall was. All of us, as fans, need to help new people learn about Mrs. Nall. At Fairmount High School, she was Dean’s English teacher, speech sponsor and drama coach. Adeline brought out Jimmy’s acting talent. Ms. Nall has a room devoted to her at the Gallery.

You can also read coverage of her funeral on another page on this site.

Want to go back to the Contents

The 1997 Memorial Service

This year’s Memorial Service was held on Tuesday, September 30th. It is always on September 30th, so some years there is a time span between the end of the festival and the service. Plan your vacation days accordingly.

The 1997 Memorial Service has its own set of pages.

George Barris

Brenda Graham was only one of many fans hugging George, back at the Gallery. I’m sure his fame is a burden to him, but we wouldn’t give him a moment’s peace. We look forward to greeting him again next year.

This was my first chance to meet George Barris. What a great legend! His family was with him, handling the many books and the beautiful tee-shirts, as George signed autographs and reminisced with his endless army of fans. You can buy his books and tees, and more importantly learn more about George Barris on his website. I think it’s a new site.

I had thought I had had a happy life, just enjoying the look of custom cars, until I met George and learned how little I know. Now I have a whole new world of details to bring you, which you are free to correct me on. Thanks for bearing with me in my ignorance.

Please go now to page two of this new coverage.

Credit for the James Dean button goes to Marv’s Oldies

The Rebel Without a Cause jacket pictured at top of page is one of many works by artist James Byron Dean (his legal name) whom you can contatct at 10 Surrey Lane, Lewiston, Maine, 04240-5252.

Contents of my whole Dean Site

Keepsake Medallions, those beautiful silver keepsakes with James Dean poses on them, are available locally. There are ten different medallions. You may have seen these silver circles in a display case at the James Dean Gallery. (The case nearest the door to the screening room, but in the little room before the last big room…. Or you may have seen Rich Allen at his booth near the entrance to the James Dean Run car show this year. There are two price specials running right now.

Please visit page two of this new coverage.

Contents of DEANERS magazine .

Here’s the link to the Outrageous Index for Otto.

Here’s Otto’s Cover

This page made by Sandra Weinhardt. Send all additions and corrections for the Bluffton pages to us at editor@tentativetimes.net

The contents of this page but not the links to outside resources of course) are ©copyright 1997-98 by Sandra Weinhardt, all rights reserved.

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