Wells CountyChair Decorating Contest in 2001

Wells CountyChair Decorating Contest in 2001

small city logo     Updated 20 July 2001      URL is /city/seatfest.html

Wells County Decorated Chair Contest, 2001

Wells County Indiana hosted a decorated chair contest, sponsored by the Creative Arts Council in Bluffton, Indiana. Here are photos of most of the 86 entries, taken at the courthouse plaza as they were judged. Everyone had a great time and agreed we couldn’t pick the winners, as they were all so much fun.

There are three pages of chair pictures. Be sure to visit them all. Links are below

artist   Who is this woman and why is she smiling?

Markle Health Care   I’ll bet this took the most time, photographing each resident at Markle Health Care, transferring the photographs to fabric, cutting and joining the pieces, making the quilt…. It is a tour-de-force.

memories   A chairfull of memories from Meadowvale.

State Police memorialParks Dept. wonvelveteenrabbitfrog won prizeOur Town

birthing chairThe Rotary Club’s birthing chair made a wonderful welcome to the show. Each flamingo wears the badge of a club member.

Sunny and ChairSonny and Chair is a great favorite.

Psi Iota XiNowakHallmark

Henrietta   Henrietta Caylor painted this small chair from the Baptist Church. Mayor Ted Ellis expects he sat in it as a toddler. Henrietta spent a total of $2.73 on her entry, one of the thriftiest chairs in the show. It is also interesting to notice which chairs you can still sit upon, and which you can’t.

crackpot   Here’s that potted lady. The sign on her shin notes that many people consider all artists to be “crackpots.” This entry won an extra prize for creativity.

You can go to page two of the chairs

You can go to page three of the chairs, or
Here’s the link to the index of pages about Bluffton.

You are chair-fully encouraged to bookmark this page.


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