Wells County Chair Decorating Contest, page Three

Wells County Chair Decorating Contest, page Three

small city logo     Updated 12 July 2001      URL is http://our.tentativetimes.net/city/chairs3.html

Wells County Decorated Chair Contest, 2001, page 3

Wells County Indiana hosted a decorated chair contest, sponsored by the Creative Arts Council in Bluffton, Indiana. Here are photos of most of the 86 entries, taken at the courthouse plaza as they were judged. Everyone had a great time and agreed we couldn’t pick the winners, as they were all so much fun.

wheretractorlamb slipperssit happenswheelbarrowBluffton Plumbing2 chairscat chairmore chairssleepychamber of commercebikini

The first chair is “Where’s Waldo.” It was hidden around the county. Whoever found it first, each week, won a prize.
The wheelbarrow won a prize for artistic merit. It was completely upholstered in squares cut from blue jeans. The fellow sitting in it is a visitor from Michigan who just became a grandfather today, courtesty of Bluffton Regional Medical Center. We weren’t allowed to sit in the chairs but we made him pose in that one.
The white potty chair is made of CVC pipe by Bluffton Plumbing and Heating. There is a hat suspended overhead and a register grill for the back of the chair. The pot itself is ductwork, I believe.
The “Sit Happens” chair won an award for “Questionable Taste.”
The “sleepy” chair really does have a chair under all those great books, toothbrushes and jammies.
The Chamber of Commerce chair has logos for every member of the Chamber. It was a lot of work to create, as were many of the others.
The darling “bikini chair” had to be the smallest chair in the contest.
I took some pictures on a disk that was already full, since I can’t see my Sony Mavica viewing window when I’m in sunlight. I don’t have all 86 entries on this website.


Links Out

Here’s the link to the index of pages about Bluffton.
Here’s where you came from, page two of the chair contest
The whole chair contest started on page one
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