The Blue Moon Boys band
Updated 5 October 1998 URL is
If you are stuck in a frame at another site, click on this line to break freeThe Blue Moon Boys
There’s Always Time For A Mooner
The BMB schedule has its own page, moongigs.html
Indiana has felt the total eclipse of the Moon. The Blue Moon Boys eclipsed all the other bands to win the 1997 Best Local Live Band in WhatzUp? magazine, the totally happening entertainment weekly.
The Blue Moon Boys opened the House of Jazz & Blues Wednesday night roots music series, but proved so popular that Swing night has been moved to Pierre’s in the Marketplace of Canterbury. Here are some legendary pictures of the Blue Moon Boys at the House of Jazz & Blues, at Legends Sports Bar and at other venues.
Jump to the pictures
How about their new CD????
Booking information
Jump to their schedule
Rather jump to Links OutAre you up for Toledo, Swing Babies?? Citi Swing Fest ’98 features The Blue Moon Boys as well as Twistin’ Tarantulas, Rocket 88, Big Rude Jake from Toronto, Detroit’s Atomic Fireballs, the Swing Syndicate, the Mighty Meaty Swing Kings, the 2-5-1 Orchestra, and Wolfgang Parker.
DATE is Sunday, August 30th from noon to 11:00 p.m.; tickets now on sale for only $15.00 for all NINE bands. This is an ALL AGES SHOW!!!
It’s outdoors at Centennial Terrace, but look it up on the venue’s website at Citi Lounge. Their phone is 419-872-6437; phone at the venue is 419-882-1500. Bring proper ID for alcohol. NO carry in food/beverages/coolers allowed.
Our Favorites, The Blue Moon Boys
The unique Blue Moon Boys band was voted best local band in 1997, in WhatzUp. (That’s northeastern Indiana’s absolutely essential guide to entertainment.) They are not to be missed. I’ve been writing about them since November of 1996; it’s great how famous they’ve become.
It’s Bookie Time
For booking information contact Elaine Ford at the Elaine Ford Agency, 3812 Bishop Lane, Louisville Kentucky 40218-2906. The Elaine Ford Agency email address is
The Ford Agency telephone is 502-964-0984, fax is 502-964-0139.The mailing address for The Blue Moon Boys is Beat Time, PO BOX 445, Zanesville IN 46799.
Live In New York
Order the Blue Moon Boys CD, ours at last!! It’s called Live In New York , Beat Time RecordsBTCD01. Order via Hepcat Records if you like, at 1-800-404-4117, or buy it at the shows. Ask your local shop if they have it.
Live In New York includes
- Howl At The Moon
- Daylight
- The Last Straw
- Foolish Love Affair
- poverty speech
- Shoe Leather
- Love
- Shut Yer Mouth Baby
- Get Rockin
- dominatrix rap
- Spank Me
- Pretty Baby
- Red On The Line
- Sooner Than Today
- Smoke! Smoke! Smoke! (that cigarette)
- fornication sermon
- Shake Rattle Medley
- Voodoo Doll
You’ll note that the CD liner notes mention a lot of people we all know, all in Otto here or in the Rockabilly Rebel Weekend pages, like Gabby at Hepcat Records, Cindy Weigold, DJ Del Villarreal, Rocket J and Gregg Van Vranken, the Rodeo Bar, Jody Kunkle, Key Palace in Redkey, The Loft, WBYR, Elvis and Hammer, The James Dean Gallery and David Loehr, the Dash-In, Chad Beck, Tom Tobey, Ken Mottet, Ricky Lee Brawn, the Munchie Emporium and Mark Melchi, Hillcrest Bowl and Fireside Lounge, Beatle Bob, WhatzUp?, the Twistin’ Tarantulas, The Slippin’ Slacks, Ray Condo and the Ricochets, Kenny Bruce and the Starlight Drifters, Those Legendary Shack Shakers, Rhythm Bound, Swingin’ Demons from Detroit, The Deans, Tip Top Daddies, Three Blue Teardrops, the Red Ball Jets, Skaavosas, The Chronics, Senator Dillwilly, and the Swing Rays. All those you can find in Otto and the Weekender pages if you look in the Music Index or search and hunt.
As Kenny Taylor puts it,
Here are some scenes from recent festive nights….
One night everyone was wearing Matt Schafer’s cowboy hat. Memories of the Rodeo Bar! Here Nic plays cowboy.
You may have caught the Kenny Taylor Trio at Munchies and all around the midwest. Here Kenny himself is on guitar; Nic "Missing Link" Roulette at the microphone.
Better shot of Nic, courtesy of Altalee Stellhorn.
At the House of Jazz & Blues, Nic literally hangs from the rafters as Jerry Sparkman calmly plucks on. Jerry is the excellent doghouse bass player, and original bassist Keith Brewer still sits in when he can. Keith is in the publicity photo on my postcard site.
Jamie Simon, is he really from New Jersey as Nic says? Does he look familiar to any of you? Mysterious…. A dang good drummer, Jamie is a stalwart Blue Moon Boy.
The Blue Moon Boys tee.
Speaking of shirts, who could forget Jumpin’ Jerry Sparkman in this Hawaiian beauty? Jerry bears up under Nics antics. Not many men could concentrate when Nic is at his wildest. Jerry concentrates. In fact, Jerry may have withstood the most harassment on stage of any bass player in Indiana. See for yourself, next time you catch the Blue Moon Boys. I am waiting for Jerry to crack, some day, and just smack Nic with his bass. Someone should start a pool.
Here’s Nic with Kenny, at Legends Sports Bar on 30 April 1998. The band had to compete with about 15 large screen TVs. Yes, people opted for the band! Huge crowd!
Look for more Blue Moon Boys pictures, coming soon to a monitor very near you.
The Blue Moon Boys Schedule
The schedule is moved to its own page, moongigs.html But remember, everything in the music world is subject to change.
Don’t make Nic cry! Click on his pic and register for update news of the Blue Moon Boys schedule.
Here is a link to the cover of Our Tentative Times cyberzine
And have you read the newsy, long article that the Fort Wayne News-Sentinel has posted about the Blue Moon Boys??? Kewl.
Rockabilly Rebel Weekend happens in June in Indianapolis. Read about it here! (Link works.)
Photos by Sandra unless otherwise attributed. Write for permission.
women have let Nic Roulette autograph their belly-buttons.
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