Newly Diagnosed with Prostate Cancer: Our Reaction

     Updated May 10, 2008 URL is

News Releases for Prostate Cancer Families


June 1999, the Prostate Cancer stamp came out. Order it from a philately website. When it came out, the post office gave me the breast cancer stamp when I asked for the prostate cancer stamp, so look for the big red stamp, not the pink one. Some of the clerks said they never heard of it, others said I meant the breast cancer stamp. But it is out there. Then they said it is 40 cents a stamp, and I said fine, then they said no, it’s only 33 cents.


Virgil Simmon’s updates

From Virgil Simmons, email

Dear Sandra,

The Prostate Net has received a determination from the Internal Revenue Service permitting us to operate as a 501(c)(3) non-profit educational organization. This action will better enable us to continue to provide service to those most affected by a diagnosis of prostate cancer.

Coupled with this great news is the recognition by Guidestar, the Web’s major clearinghouse for information on non-profit, for inclusion among their listing of approved charities. In addition you can check out our newsletter which is part of the Guidestar support package.

Go to – – scroll down to the "Charity Search" box, enter Prostate Net and then hit "Go". You’ll be taken to our frontpage and from there you can click on our "Newsletter" link.

We wanted to let you know, Sandra, about some of the blessings that have come to us and how we look forward to maintaining the level of service to our constituency.

Best regards,

Virgil Date: Tuesday 13 Apr 1999

From: Virgil H. Simons, email

Subject: New Hope in the Battle against Prostate Cancer

The American Association for Cancer Research has their Annual Meeting currently on-going. One of the most encouraging aspects was the amount and diversity of research being done in prostate cancer. The recent headlines on lycopenes in tomatoes are only part of the story.

To get a firsthand look at all of the ps and to view the research abstracts, go to:

While you’re there you may also want to send a note of Thanks to Dr. Margaret Foti, the executive director, for her effort in providing this tool as well as for her efforts in including more of the survivor and advocate communities in the organization.

For continuing press coverage, check out:

Health News

and look for specific coverage at:

Pass the information on to your friends so that we all can continue to fight the beast that is prostate cancer.

Best regards,


See survivor Virgil Simmon’s own site, Prostate-Online


See more recent news on the website of Jacqueline Strax, PSA Rising

ther Contents

When someone you know is diagnosed with prostate cancer

Resources: Action to take and Links on the Internet, a separate page.

Update on Bill’s Operation, a separate page.

Read My Disclaimer

he only thing I am an expert on is terror and panic. What I have dug out of the web is different from what you will find. My friend wants me to emphasize that I can’t advise you about treatment. I knew nothing on this subject when we were diagnosed. I don’t know your emotions, or what side effects you could or could not live with. If I am wrong in what I find out, it can eventually kill my husband. This is utterly terrifying to me.

don’t know any more than I have written here. Find facts, please. Don’t be influenced by other peoples’ emotions at this time in your lives. Don’t expect me to be able to tell you more than I have written on these few pages. Remember, I’m not a guru, just a fellow traveller down this road. But my husband will be happy to email with you at wswart@parlorcity.comor talk to you on the telephone. Thank you. Sandra Weinhardt

This page is put on-line by Sandra Weinhardt. Send all additions and corrections to me at