Music Index for Tell-Mama music e-zine

        Updated July 31, 2003      URL is

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Click here to go to BBQ Ribfest

A Wealth of Music and Bands around Northeast Indiana


Our Tentative Times and Tell-Mama are getting raked over the coals for not being up-to-date.  Yes, a lot of these bands have folded their tents, some have all sorts of new members. Even the Blue Moon Boys have a new bass player, Pat Borton.  Let Pat show you the tattoo of Keith Brewer on his back !  We all miss Keith so much. He was the original bass player for the Blue Moon Boys.  Hope he is having a rockabilly Christmas up there with Elvis, Hank and the rest.  So remember, this is mostly an archive except for BBQ Ribfest 2004!!!

Keep on a-scrollin’; five more tables to go!!

Bands away from NE Indiana



Acid Bath


Train keep a-rollin’: 4 more tables to go!

Bands around NE Indiana

Bands away from NE Indiana


Acid Bath


Fort Wayne’s Original Ribfest is on-line.

Mad Anthony’s opening,

The Bel Airs!
Bill Smoker on Aitoo 98 from Finland!

Bill Smoker reviews the weekender, Viva Las Vegas ’98 Frog Island Weekender

Well worth a visit, 1997 Rockabilly Weekend #5, 1997

1996 Rockabilly Weekend#4, 1996


With pages for Ronnie Dawson, Josie Kreuzer, Big Sandy and the Fly-Rite Boys, more Twistin’ Tarantulas, Mac Curtis, Derailers,King Memphis, Blacktop Rockets, Frantic Flattops, Kim Lenz, Johnny and the Blades, Tip Top Daddies, Swing Rays, Those Legendary Shack Shakers, Truly Lover Trio, Bigger Than Elvis, Johnny and the Blades, Clint’s Butcher Shop, cat’s shoes, after hours hi-jinks, cats in jeans with beauty queens, and more to come.

Bill Smoker reviews Pontin’s Camber Sands 3rd Rockabilly Rave in Sussex UK

Keep on scrollin’; 3 more tables to go!!

Bands away from NE Indiana

Acid Bath


Scroll more; 2 more tables to go!!

Bands away from NE Indiana


Good work! Good scrolling; only 1 more table to go!!

Bands away from NE Indiana

It’s hard to categorize music, because what you like is based on your own opinions, but some of the pages are relevant to the city section, some to the youth section, some to nostalgia. More music pages keep happening here!

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New affiliate for country and roots music! Visit

The News!

We now have a granddaughter. She is such fun to be with, and since I can’t drive at night, I don’t get to hear bands very often.  My husband doesn’t want to be in any venues that have smoking.  He has to drive me.  So try having grandchildren and buy the CDs from the bands you like.  But get out there in person whenever you can.  I recommend it!

Kenny Love has graciously made his columns available to Tell-Mama readers everywhere! Kenny writes about promoting your independent-label music. Believe me, he’s the pro of pros when it comes to promotion, and we would do well to heed his every word. Or at least read and enjoy Kenny Love’s music advice and musings.


5 February 2001: ‘m making a section for links to webpages of bands I have not been able to hear. Mike Milligan and his Steam Shovel, Amy and the Hank Sinatras, etc. Bear with me, and this will grow. I work very, very, very slowly these days.

September 6, 1999      s you probably know, Our Tentative Times and all the content and graphics are pretty much the work of one person. I am totally unable to update all these pages in a timely manner. This makes me really crabby with myself and those around me. I want to ask you all for some time out so I can keep house, get some sleep, work out, maybe see a movie….

ost magazines the size of Tell-Mama or Deaners have a staff with writers, an editor, graphics whizzes, ad sales, etc. "I ain’t got nobody," and nobody has the time to do what I do. I also have failed completely as President, Secretary and Treasurer (all at once) of the Humane Society, and wimped out on my political and civic activities.

y husband and I have no social life. All I have done since 1996 is make web pages. So let me recoup here, find out if I still have a personality, work with my stress therapist, get some exercise while my joints still work. You have heard this plea from me before, but this time it’s sink or swim. Nobody can live with this much pressure forever.

ead all the good stuff already in the magazines and watch the updates page. There ARE updates. I’ll get back to the lonely, unending, grinding work of the web eventually. Oh, and I expect to do the James Dean festival in depth. But there is life outside the web, I’ve heard. Be seeing you eventually. Time out. Hugs from Sandra Weinhardt

Older news

We’ve changed our magazine name to Tell-Mama now, but we are still the same magazine we were as Rockabilly Chronicle. It will take a long time to change the logos over! And all the older counters crashed on 26 October but I haven’t been able to update every counter notice yet.

The free PageWatch notification disappeared. I think they want a lot of money to let me use it now. So I have no way to tell you when this page is updated. Please check back! Bookmark me!!!

For young people to lose a friend is about the hardest blow of all in adolescence. Even the adults who knew Audie Pitre (of the band Acid Bath) are grieving the loss to this day. Read about the impact one musician had on his world. Audie and his parents were killed by a drunk driver.

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Rockin’ Lifestyles

Arnold’s 50’s Drive-In Restaurant in Decatur, Indiana

Otto features some pages on the rockin’ Arnold’s Drive-In. Arnold’s raised $1,800 for Lydia Murray’s liver transplant! This is a darling restaurant with perky people, inside and outside dining and the most unusual neon sign in the state of Indiana!

As soon as the sign is plugged in, Otto will bring you photos. There is a new 70-seat Sixties room in the back of the restaurant now! Closed Mondays at least for now. Photos are coming!

The James Dean car show is on line!! I only have time and energy to do the Mercurys, since that’s the movie car most associated with James Dean. There are two extra pages to go with it, one for Ed Lepold’s Pearls and Gold Dust kustom Merc and one for Ginny and Alfred Gregory’s Mercillac, called The Crisco Kid or Praise the Lowered.

Also read about Our 1950s drive-ins. Read a poem by Phil Ziegler about the great 1950s music.

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Logo graphics by Mark K. Kinnaman, artist to the fans.

Here is the link back to the cover of Our Tentative Times cyberzine.


You are encouraged to bookmark this page. Please!

  Because some people have thought another woman might be me, I am forced to add my face to this page. This is Tell-Mama. No-one else is Tell-Mama in these parts, pardner. Blame all page errors on Sandra, this formerly redheaded stranger.  My hair is white now. 

My friend Andrew has another rockin’ music magazine,

Ranch Productions

The Rockabilly Ring

In Their Memory

   since last counter crash

Email editor Sandra Weinhardt at  Please try to be kind of kind, since so many people aren’t.  Thank you so much!