James Dean Run Car Show, September 2003, Fairmount IN, page 1 of 3

James Dean Run Car Show, September 2003, Fairmount IN, page 1 of 3

logo     Updated January 11, 2004 
     URL is www.tentativetimes.net/dean/03fest/rods1.html

The 2003 James Dean Run Car Show, Fairmount, Indiana
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Many thanks to Indianapolis’s Cluster Busters Car Club and the sponsors, Valvoline and Eagle One  who give countless hours to this phenomenal car show.  There are around 2300 cars here every year, and  more at  another show four miles away.  I mostly take pictures in the Mercury Corral in Playacres Park in Fairmount.  I left these pictures big for your enjoyment.  I usually shrink the photos much more than this.  You owe it to yourself to bring your ride here at least once in a lifetime. 

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  image  The signature car this year is my dreamboat, Mr. Mercury’s  (Ed Lepold of Illinois) gold and white baby.  This car has its own mural in its garage.  I get first chance to buy it but only if I win the lottery.  I’m told that the featured publicity car alternates each year between a kustom and a stock Mercury.  If you know which car was chosen for 2004, please tell me at wswart@parlorcity.com
I made a page for this car, which I call Pearls and Gold Dust.  The link to it is at the bottom of the page.

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Pages made by Sandra Weinhardt, creator of www.deaners.net, email wswart@parlorcity.com