James Dean 2010 Fan Appreciation Banquet and unusual Film Festival, Page 2
Updated July 28, 2010 URL is www.tentativetimes.net/dean/fanwk10/banq2.html
The 2010 Festival of Unusual Films about James Dean
Page 2Mike and Donna Copple
I don’t have their names. Do you know? secop@parlorcity.com
Mark Kinnaman in a rare black and white James Dean shirt.
Marlin Wilson in Hawaiian shirt. Marcus Winslow in yellow shirt.
More about Gypsy Lujin… During one film, an inebriated man wondered into the banquet room, drinking a beer and carrying a six-pac. He made loud comments about the movie and a lot of the men present ushered him back into the hallway. Gypsy stood at the door and our visitor decided to wander off instead of going through him. Gypsy is a useful person!Here is the antique movie camera used by the Schulte brothers in the 1950s to make their own versions of all three of Dean’s movies. We had seen their wonderful Rebel last year. This year Joe Schulte shared the East of Eden and Giant scenes the brothers had staged. They also made the buzzer system for jeopardy. One brother is no longer with us. You can read about him on the Ed Schulte memorial page
When the Schulte movies were featured in their home town, these posters helped advertise the event.About The 2010 Films
You will wish you had been there, because the first films were made by Jimmy Dean himself, back in the day. His cousin Marcus Winslow showed them. Some were of the cast of Giant between takes at the ranch in Marfa. It showed how James Dean would have progressed to directing next, in his career. Dean used a 16mm Bolex purchased in New York City in 1954. The three rolls of film were discovered in the 1990s and the only known existing moving pictures he made. Enamored of bullfighting, Dean uses his Bolex to create a stop-action bullfight in one of these movies.
East of Eden and Giant by the Schulte brothers were great crowd pleasers. They enacted the scenes and filmed them in 1956.
Cholame and Marfa came from major fan and author Bob Rees of Katy, Texas. Early 8mm home movies (1983 and 1986) retrace Dean’s last drive from Los Angeles to Cholame as well as the remains of the locations used in filming Giant in Marfa, Texas.
I just found a great site for Cholame, California in Roadside AmericaThree TV Commercials made after Dean’s death use scenes from his movies or look-alikes.
ames Dean New York Walking Tour led by David Loehr, filmed by Mary Ann Michna in 1988, fascinated us.
Still Cool is a teaser film made to promote the excellent James Dean documentary James Dean and Me. Dennis Hopper is one of Dean’s friends reminiscing in the movie, and John Prine did the soundtrack. You can buy copies of James Dean and Me at David Loehr’s James Dean Gallery, www.jamesdeangallery.com Tom Alvarez, creator of the film, introduced this promo for it.
Music Videos included Heartbreak Love by Johnny Rivers, 1985; Rush Rush by Paula Abdul, 2007, and Suedehead by Morrissey, 1988.
Our last film of the evening was Screen Test Recreation by Alan Hague in California, 1992. It is preview teaser for the video documentary “James Dean: The Legend” with actor Rob Keith.
Go here for Page 1 of these banquet pictures
Here is the 2010 Jeopardy Game based on James Dean, created by Lenny of New York.
Here is the main indexfor a hundred of my James Dean pages.
How to find Jimmy’s mother’s grave in Marion, Indiana.
More about Bolex cameras on Wikipedia.
I made this page. I’m Sandra Weinhardt
EMAIL ADDRESS secop@parlorcity.com