James Dean 2010 Fan Appreciation Banquet and unusual Film Festival Page 1
Updated July 28, 2010 URL is www.tentativetimes.net/dean/fanwk10/banq.html
The Festival of Unusual Films about James Dean
continued in 2010Here are the photos from the banquet and films at the 2010 James Dean Fan Appreciation Weekend, hosted by David Loehr.
David Loehr, our host. Pam Crawford, fan club president, in yellow. ____ and Kim took our dinner money. Only $20.00 for all this and the fine meal at the Marion Inn which used to be the Holiday Inn, on State Road 18, downtown Marion.
Tom Alvarez in black shirt, Sue Pelletier in black shirt!
David with Steven Payne of Payne’s Custard and Coffee restaurant at exit 59 off I-69, the Gas City exit. In pink, his beautiful wire Jen.
Phil Zeigler escorted one of Jimmy’s classmates, Wilma, Fairmount High School Class of 1949. Mark Winslow with Katerina.
Mary and Bill Force, not the best picture of them, I regret. I was too rushed to proof my photos at the banquet. See them on Facebook! They own the fitness center in Fairmount and set a good example for all of us.
Teresita Gonzalez from Illinois, Joe Crace, Arkansas, Sue Pelletier, Fairmount, and another couple I have not met, not yet.
The friendly, famous thespian Roger Tappan in an historic tee from an event David Loehr hosted. Carol and Joe Schulte with his posters of the 1956 films he made with his brothers, all scenes from Dean movies.
Go here for Page 2 of these banquet pictures
Here is the 2010 Jeopardy Game based on James Dean, created by Lenny of New York.
Here is the main index for a hundred of my James Dean pages.
How to find Jimmy’s mother’s grave in Marion, Indiana, updated
Please note: Sandra Weinhardt’s
EMAIL ADDRESS secop@parlorcity.com