James Dean 2002 Graveside Memorial

James Dean 2002 Graveside Memorial

logo     Updated 2 November 2002       URL is www.tentativetimes.net/02fest/outdos.html  

The 2002 Graveside Ceremony for James Dean

Remember,  I’ll add names and facts later. NEW photos added November 2, in middle of page.  Tom Berghuis’s name is corrected November 4.  Thanks to Mark Kinnaman for catching the name error.

cranes90v.jpg (27110 bytes) Naomi Yamada made, by hand,  the One Thousand Cranes tribute to Jimmy and brought it from Japan for this moment.

I tried to do a panorama of all the fans this year.

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In front on the right, as promised, TOM Berghuis, co-moderator of the service standing in stead for our beloved Adeline Mart Nall. 

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nick77v.jpg (16840 bytes) Nicky Bazooka accepted the trophy for being Grand Marshall of the 2001 parade. He didn’t stick around long enough last year!  It looked dangerous for him to ride away with the trophy bungeed onto his Harley.  He doesn’t even wear a helmet.  (Kids, don’t try this at home.)

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phillooks.jpg (11560 bytes) Hot new rockin’ band, Phil and The Lookalikes.

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winton65v.jpg (13806 bytes) Jimmy’s father and stepmother lie beside him.gravortv.jpg (10119 bytes) Marcus and Ortense Winslow, who raised Jimmy, rest on the other side of him. 

grave689v.jpg (23554 bytes) The back side of the stone.

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pam70v.jpg (14515 bytes)  Pam Crawford and the front of the headstone.

clubsv.jpg (23929 bytes) This arrangement of  peach roses and other flowers came from James Dean Remembered, the official fan club for James Dean.
James Dean Remembered fan club information on-line here.
use268.jpg (4179 bytes) Carenna says “Don’t miss out on the fun. Join James Dean Remembered to get all the latest notices. Don’t just read about stuff when it’s over.”

Here’s the link back to the 2002 James Dean Festival index

Here’s the link back to the James Dean main index
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