Index of recent James Dean Festivals, Fairmount, Indiana

Index of recent James Dean Festivals, Fairmount, Indiana


The 2007 James Dean Festival, just fans on Saturday because I still couldn’t walk that well.
(I missed the 2006 Festival because of surgery)

 2005 Fairmount James Dean Festival  The REAL festival I like this busy, unique page a lot. I try to keep changing my stories about the festival, because there sure is a lot to see.

2004 James Dean Festival got all mixed with the 2003 festival. This web stuff is a lot harder than it looks, for me. But the links will work.

2003 James Dean Festival

2002 James Dean Festival

The 2001 September Dean Festival

The 2000 James Dean September Festival

1998 James Dean (Museum Days) festival

1997 James Dean Festival is a tear-jerker for me.  It was an emotional year for us all.

Example: The1999 September Festival in Fairmount includes all the following pages, as do most of the Festival sections in Deaners. ….1999 James Dean Festival pages include:

Here’s the link back to the opening page for
page by Sandra Weinhardt, email

Updated December 17, 2007    URL is