An Indiana Auction, model railroading
Updated 2 June 1999. URL is
If you are stuck in a frame at another site, click on this line to break freeEnjoying the model trains at an Ellenberger Auction
This just knocked me out. Here we are talking about cigarette advertising being banned, and right here were a whole roomful of beer and hard liquor model train cars. If you can tell the men from the boys by the size of their toys, I hope these were for the men, even though they were smallish! Some of the models were from Germany. There were several happy dealers, including one who came from Florida for this auction, and two from Denver.
Other items in the railroad room
Very little jewelry at this particular auction.There were a blue zillion unusual irons. Several ladies were determined bidders, as well as the dealers.
This beautiful bar went begging. Maybe no-one had a truck big enough to haul it, or they had filled their trucks already. If you are looking for large items, you have an edge at auctions, so go, go, go.
This is only a taste of the items at this auction. Time doesn’t permit me to show you all the grand treats you might have bought, and I wish you had, for then I wouldn’t have. Thanks for visiting this site. See you at the next Ellenberger Auction!
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This jolly auction was written up by Sandra Weinhardt. Send all additions and corrections to me at